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Tips and Tutorials

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Hits: 1161

Automatic Documentation Generation in ASP.NET Applications

Rating 2.5 2.5
Explains how to automatically build help in ASP.NET. It is possible if you use XML comments in C# or VB.NET source code. Simply write all the documentation you need tightly tied to and inside your source code! Then use some documentation processing tools to collect all these comments and to construct a stand alone document containing every little aspect about your source code. As simple as that!
Platform(s): Linux, Windows Date: Jun, 13 2006
Hits: 1591

Client Side in ASP.NET: Common Javascript Functions

Rating 3.5 3.5
In this tutorial we are going to present you a set of famous and frequently used client side scripts. You can simply copy any of these scripts into your web application without giving any attention to their underlying technologies. If, in any case, further customization or configuration is essential to utilize any of these scripts then we will include this information as well.
Platform(s): Windows Date: Jun, 13 2006
Hits: 1105

Dynamic User Interface in ASP.NET Web Applications

Rating 3.5 3.5
Every developer knows well that to be able to design a proper user interface then we have to have a solid knowledge about every aspect of this user interface before we actually start designing it. Unfortunately, this is not always 100% possible. Situations arise from time to time in which we have no or little idea about what will be the proper user interface for a given application. In web applications things becomes worth as these situations arises more frequently.
Platform(s): Windows Date: Jun, 07 2006
Hits: 1206

ASP.NET 2.0: Advanced Site Functionality

Rating 5.0 5.0
In this tutorial you will learn advanced site functionality, Enhanced Page Framework, To create the Web.Sitemap file, Tracking Traffic with Site Counters and Going Mobile.
Platform(s): Windows Date: Jun, 04 2006
Hits: 1041

ASP.NET 2.0: Creating Web Wizards

Rating 0.0 0.0
In this tutorial you will learn about Rich Controls and Services, Creating Web Wizards, Working with the Wizard Control, Editing Wizard Steps, Adding a Completion Step, To edit the completion step, To show the user's data and Testing Wizard Control.
Platform(s): Windows Date: Jun, 04 2006
Hits: 1116

ASP.NET 2.0: Displaying Master-Detail Data on Separate Pages

Rating 2.0 2.0
In this tutorial you will learn how to display Master-Detail Data on Separate Pages, create the details page, test the pages and Allow Editing, Deleting, and Inserting Using a DetailsView DataBound control.
Platform(s): Windows Date: Jun, 04 2006
Hits: 780

ASP.NET 2.0: Displaying Master-Detail Data on the Same Page

Rating 1.0 1.0
In this tutorial you will learn how to display Master-Detail Data on the same page, To display the master records, To configure a query to display related records and To test the page
Platform(s): Windows Date: Jun, 04 2006
Hits: 626

ASP.NET 2.0: DataBound Controls - Details View

Rating 2.0 2.0
In this tutorial you will learn DetailView DataBound Control, To create a file system Web site, Connecting to SQL Server, Use a Drop-Down List as the Master and To test the drop-down list.
Platform(s): Windows Date: Jun, 04 2006
Hits: 488

ASP.NET 2.0: Using a Grid to Display Detail Information

Rating 0.0 0.0
In this tutorial you will learn how to use a GridView Control to display the details of the item selected in the DropDown list and test the page.
Platform(s): Windows Date: Jun, 04 2006
Hits: 545

ASP.NET 2.0: Adding Sorting and Paging in GridView

Rating 3.0 3.0
In this tutorial you will learn adding sorting and paging in a GridView Control, Implement Two Column Sorting, Create Code for Custom Sorting, Editing the GridView control data, Deleting Displayed Records, Inserting Records and Using Templates.
Platform(s): Windows Date: Jun, 04 2006
Amount: 371
Displaying: 31 - 40
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