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Chat Scripts

Amount: 47
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Hits: 401

ASP Chat Script Source Code

Rating 0.0 0.0
Download proactive web based ASP PHP live customer support chat script provides complete business solutions technical information to webmasters site visitors clients, reduce service costs and improve productivity. Software is low-cost easy to set up, user friendly offers online help real time communication offline messages meetings conversation interaction conferences between customers and administrator with secure quick and dedicated connection.
Platform(s): Windows Date: Oct, 10 2006
Hits: 2148

ASP Chat Box

Rating 4.5 4.5
Asp Chat Box s a free and easy to use chat application can be used in a simple website. This version of AspChatBox can read and write only a single file. If you can work on thi script, you may write a custom script for you.
Platform(s): Windows Date: Sep, 15 2006
Hits: 476

Tjubang ASP Chat Script

Rating 0.0 0.0
Unique and flicker free chat system, written in Active Server Pages. Key features are: - Password protected admin features. - Smiley icons, can be turned on/off by chat user. - Private messages, can be turned on/off by chat user. - Auto login with cookies. - Change chat layout real time by chat user. - Ignore function controlled by chat user. - Multiple chat rooms (unlimited rooms). - Kick/ban function controlled by chat admins. - Invisible admin chat function. - Flicker free system for passing chat text and online list. - Clickable links and mail addresses. - Anti flood/spam system in the chat. - No "yelling" with uppercase letters. - Always shows usernames with first letters in uppercase. - Anti IP hiding through proxy servers. - Automatic log off of inactive users. Requires: Internet Explorer v4 or newer, MySQL database and a Windows based webserver with support for ASP.
Platform(s): Windows Date: Sep, 13 2006
Hits: 559

Free Chat Script!

Rating 0.0 0.0
In order to use the chat script, you will need to have (1) Active server pages must be available in your server to use this script. (2) Create the following pages and save them to your server. (3) The system includes a form and a response file. Both may be customized. (4) Please do not remove the link to our site in "chatopinions.asp" file.
Platform(s): Linux, Windows, FreeBSD Date: Aug, 29 2006
Hits: 876

Live support chat software

Rating 5.0 5.0
Live support helps you increase you sales and increase your customer confidence on your services.Real time live support chat with your customers will give your company a great boost.Chat with your client on real time , admin can add unlimited department and operators. Operator will be notified when new chat request has been made. fast and easy to use works with low bandwidth.
Platform(s): Windows Date: Jul, 05 2006
Hits: 1696

DP Sbox w/ AJAX Interface shoutbox

Rating 5.0 5.0
New Features Include Improved Swear Filtering System, Anti Flooding System, User can delete their own post in a specified time by Admin, Auto Converting of Posted Links to clickable URL,Exclusive Admin Nicknames cannot be used bu Users,Improved fool proof System and Many More. FREE! Update* Now Includes the AJAX Interface. AJAX lets you post message without refreshing the browser.
Platform(s): Windows Date: Dec, 26 2006
Hits: 519

Ajax Chat Room with private chat

Rating 0.0 0.0
Ajax Chat Room with private chat It is fast and flicker less. You will get full source code and can modify as you like.
Platform(s): Windows Date: Jun, 04 2006
Hits: 679

Live monitoring, live chat, live help, live support

Rating 0.0 0.0
Monitor your website visitors in real-time, invite them to chat (proactive chat), and provide live customer support. It's web-based, no dll's and you can host under your own site. We provide free installations, free upgrades, and the newest version is 100% bugs free! Features include live monitoring, proactive chat, click-to-chat, canned messages, customizable logo and messages, simultaneous chat, transfer between operators, visitor stats (referrer page, foot prints, country, ip, etc), and more!
Platform(s): Windows Date: Mar, 23 2006
Hits: 540

EC ASP/AJAX Powered Chatroom

Rating 0.0 0.0
ASP/AJAX Powered Chatroom, This system runs using AJAX so no page refreshing is required, checks the status of the users and shows whether they are idle, typing or sleeping, as well as the time since they were last active. The cost of this system is R20.00 South African (Approx $3)
Platform(s): Windows Date: Apr, 04 2006
Hits: 299

ECDesigns Shoutbox

Rating 0.0 0.0
ShoutBox is a application that lets your visitors hold real time chats while surfing your site. No Dll's to install, no global.asa to edit and less than 16k in size. can be included on any page, requires access database. can be maintained to allow all users or only registered users to post a shout.
Platform(s): Windows Date: Mar, 06 2006
Amount: 47
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