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Rating 0.0 0.0
This is a simple brinkster compatible project made with ASP and *.mdb. You can add guestbook entry, program submission, site submission. Admin can handle all the delete, update and new record works.
Platform(s): Windows Date: Oct, 19 2005
Hits: 1038

Smart Guest Book - ASP & Flash Guest-Book

Rating 5.0 5.0
This Flash & ASP Guest-Book has interactive, animated & multiple entry display interface choices, password-protected browser-based complete administration panel, active bad word filter. Easy to install & customize. Uses SQL Server or Access database. Free Download Version available. Fantastic load time due to highly optimized code and small Flash file size. Cross Browser Compatible, works well in both Netscape (4+) & IE (5+). Comments field can accept HTML text. JavaScript validation for fields.
Platform(s): Linux, Windows Date: Apr, 22 2005
Hits: 1010

ASPScriptz Guest Book

Rating 0.0 0.0
Guesbook is a free open source guestbook.Simply download it and unzip it and upload it into the root directory of your server.It is working now.Smilies support it also added in this version.Admin can disable or enable HTML support.Admin section is also included.
Platform(s): Windows Date: Sep, 22 2005
Hits: 855

Signit Pro

Rating 0.0 0.0
Signit Pro is a powerful guestbook script, based on asp/access2000. Full ASP source code included and no DLL required. Easy to customize, online manage by password protected admin field, advanced search and paging, private message. No knowledge of programming necessary when installing.
Platform(s): n/a Date: Mar, 21 2002
Hits: 847

Wizz Computers ASP Guestbook

Rating 0.0 0.0
This is the ASP version of Wizz Computers Guestbook. It uses an ADO connection object, using an ODBC DSN to connect to the database. The ADO connection object has session scope and is instantiated in Global.asa. Before using the ASP version you'll have to ensure that the necessary ODBC DSN exists and you'll have to modify Global.asa to reflect your DSN, UID and PWD. The ASP version of the guest book was originally written to work with Informix, so if your implementation uses a database other than Informix, you might have to change the syntax of the SQL passed to the database.
Platform(s): Windows Date: Dec, 04 2004
Hits: 835

Ocean12 ASP Guestbook Manager

Rating 0.0 0.0
Written entirely in ASP and VBScript, The Ocean12 ASP Guestbook Manager is a completely web-based, easy to install, ASP Guestbook Program. It stores data in an Access 2000 database and is configured 100% through the web browser, which means an easy installation process.
Platform(s): n/a Date: Feb, 13 2002
Hits: 828

The Ultimate Guestbook

Rating 0.0 0.0
A highly configurable guest book that works with just about any web page design. Features: template-based; sends eMail to owner upon new entry; "bad" word filter; can post entry immediately or waits for approval of administer; can be configured so that guest can sign book only so many times a day; uses a Access database to store entries; comes with a administer tool to modify or delete entries.
Platform(s): n/a Date: Sep, 07 2003
Hits: 827

ASP Power-Book

Rating 0.0 0.0
ASP Power-Book is a full-featured guest book program. It includes 9 user-defined input fields that can be titled individually, activated and defined as required-field. T number of entries per page, which can be switched by drop down a menu. The email address and the homepage URL is checked for the correct way of writing. HTML tags are not accepted, and all empty fields will be faded out automatically. It includes a password protected Admin area where you can configure and customize all the settings for your guestbook.
Platform(s): n/a Date: Apr, 30 2001
Hits: 821

MagicScripts GuestBook

Rating 0.0 0.0
Perfect Guestbook that combines fully customizable layout and powerful features with easy-to-use Control Panel.
Platform(s): Windows Date: Sep, 10 2004
Hits: 746

ASP EZ-GuestBook Lite

Rating 0.0 0.0
ASP EZ-GuestBook Lite is a simple ASP GuestBook script that does not require any components. It can be used on its own, without any other installations. ASP EZ-GuestBook can be easily configured and designed around your web site. ASP EZ-GuestBook is also backwards compatible with the popular Perl script "GuestBook" found on many UNIX based web servers. ASP EZ-GuestBook may reside in any directory recognized within the scope of your IIS/PWS Web configuration.
Platform(s): n/a Date: Aug, 20 1999
Amount: 56
Displaying: 21 - 30
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