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Amount: 13
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Hits: 801

Andromeda Streaming Jukebox (ASP)

Rating 0.0 0.0
Andromeda turns your collection of MP3s into a fully-featured streaming Web site with dynamic playlist generation. Many other formats are supported, including: WMA, OGG, MPG, AVI, WMV. It's great as a personal jukebox, on a local network, and over the Internet (bandwidth permitting). Additional features include skins, custom playlists, logons/accounts, and a search tool. Andromeda is also multilingual, speaking English, German, Swedish, Dutch, Spanish, and other languages. No database is required. ASP and PHP versions are available.
Platform(s): Windows Date: Dec, 02 2004
Hits: 641

IR On-demand Scan Dir

Rating 0.0 0.0
Automate shoutcast ondemand. Able to build large playlists and listen to them, still runs through a shoutcast server but can be altred to run independly of a shoutcast server.
Platform(s): n/a Date: Aug, 06 2003
Hits: 439

HTML 2 Image with embed Mozilla Rendering Engine

Rating 5.0 5.0
Add HTML 2 Image feature in your website with DypsWebCapture component : this dll is embedding a gecko/Mozilla HTML rendering engine as well as an Internet explorer HTML rendering engine which let you take a screenshot of a HTML webpage and save it as JPEG / PNG / GIF / TIF / BMP image or to a stream output to a browser or any application.
Platform(s): Windows Date: Nov, 16 2006
Hits: 434


Rating 0.0 0.0
shoutcASP is a full system for managing a WinAMP based radio station. Maintaining a database of Tracks and playback lists, with powerful weighted playback rules. shoutcASP provides the ability to handle on-line requests automatically and maintain your station from anywhere on the web. There is even a proto-WAP interface so you can really keep an eye on the station.
Platform(s): n/a Date: Mar, 29 2001
Hits: 396

Flash Media Player Pro ( ASP Version)

Rating 2.0 2.0
Web based Mp3 And Video Player for your website. play live music and video files. Gchats Flash Media Player Pro , Directly Plays Movie And Music within your website, Ability to real time Mp3 and FLV files streaming.No database needed , Just make media folder and subfolders , then add your media files. Gchats Media player arrangs your folder structure within a tree .
Platform(s): n/a Date: Jul, 05 2004
Hits: 390

ASP MP3 Lister

Rating 0.0 0.0
This ASP script will allows you to gather mp3 ID3v1 and ID3v1.1 TAG info for all mp3s in a directory and create a table with the TAG information. The script can also write an asp page containing the table that you can use on your site as a separate page or as an include file.
Platform(s): Windows Date: Sep, 08 2004
Hits: 355

SynergyMovies - ASP Edition

Rating 0.0 0.0
Build using ASP with an Microsoft Access backend, SynergyMovies ASP Edition allows anyone with access to a computer w/IIS (Windows 2000/2003/XP Pro) to host a little application to share, track and view their movie collection. Features include: * Add/Edit titles * Search titles * User account management * Access Levels * Share over the web * Check in/Check out * User Types (add titles, add users, check in/out) * Admins can check in/out movies to anyone
Platform(s): Windows Date: Aug, 02 2005
Hits: 308

Gchats Flash Mp3 Player

Rating 0.0 0.0
Add Full featured Music player to your website , just copy your mp3 files in a folder and listen to the songs , you may be able to add lyrics of the songs.
Platform(s): n/a Date: May, 24 2004
Hits: 297

ASP Turbine

Rating 0.0 0.0
ASP Turbine is a web server tool that integrates dynamic content into Flash rich media, allowing a clean separation between Presentation and Content and simplifying the creation of sophisticated rich media web sites with large amounts of dynamic content. Through its template-based media engine, Turbine 7 can integrate dynamic media and content into XML or Flash templates.
Platform(s): n/a Date: Oct, 27 2003
Hits: 289

SiteBeater MP3 Catalog

Rating 0.0 0.0
MP3 upload, lightning fast ID3 tag reading or enter your own song data, CD purchase info, search, private, public or random playlists, multi-domain, load-balancing, multi-lingual, mailing lists, themes, user management, over 50 rights, and much more! Uses ASP & MSSQL.
Platform(s): Windows Date: Sep, 11 2004
Amount: 13
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