We can count records in a table with these a few lines of codes. First we must send an SQL statement to database engine. Count of records will be first value of resultset.
This source code displays results dividing to pages. Code provides Next Previous page links with numeric page numbers. You may modify source code to use with MS SQL or MS Access database. For this example, we have used MS SQL Server using sample database Northwind.
This article describes practical methods of optimizing the performance of ASP pages which retrieve and display tabular data from a database. Test results of each coding technique show the potential for dramatic speedups of dynamic web pages.
Create a connection to DBF files using JetOLEDB provider (DSN-less, ODBC-less connection), basic work with DBF files (select, insert, update), other ISAM formats + FOXPRO option, real sample code, create a new DBF file.
Basically, I had the problem of needing a marquee to scroll important updates but everyone who needed to update it was not HTML savvy. So I made it form based. And the coolest part about it is, you can control the background color, and the text color. That is good when you want different color combinations to have communicate different things. Like, black background and red text could mean urgent and blue background* and yellow text could be Happy Birthday!