Response Write Generator handles complete source. Paste the complete source of an .asp page and the script will convert all the html to response.write statments but will still keep the asp source intact.
Gazatem Technologies is a webbased groupware company that used by a group of developers who are working on the same site but distributed in space. We specialize in creating web sites that load quickly, are easy to use, and are impressive-looking. Our dynamic website projects and advanced application development provide unique user experience, resulting in higher prospect conversion. We are providing online content management & publishment tools. Our web site publisher tools can be used in small and medium sized web sites. Gazatem Technologies has developed various content management systems to assist web site owners. Building a professional website or business web application - using one of our products - will make your business operate more efficiently and increase its' value.
Clients using our management systems operate more efficiently by automating many labour intensive process and by enabling instantaneous online access to content from anywhere in the world.
Welcome! 20/20 Applications develops light-weight database applications for small and medium sized business web sites. Our low-cost solutions have assisted small businesses throughout North America, Europe, Australia, and South America and have been translated into more than eight languages. Features include multi-lingual and customizable ASP applications for real estate brokerages and agents, inventory management systems for automotive vehicle dealership, gallery, library, art, jewellery, music, collectors, classifieds, and more. As well, with affiliated companies and services, our products integrate with 3rd party data services such as the MLS (multiple listing service) and IDX for Realtors, RSS feed syndication, and the Google Earth client for geographic inventory such as realty. We are dedicated to creating applications that you can implement in your own current or developing web site that flexible and powerful yet easy-to-setup and easy-to-use. Please visit and enjoy your stay.
Pentacle In-Out Board v6.03.0.1200.
Pentacle is an in-out board for businesses and organizations that would like to know who's in and who's out of the office. It included exclusive Sick leave tracking system and Vacation Tracking system. You can see who is in, out, busy, sick, vacation, lunch or dayoff. Administrator can change the skin of IN-OUT board and Post some news to your staff. Pentacle Gold let you have full view of you office, and know when they will have vacation or doctor appointment. You can see how many staff will take vacation in specified month. So it is easy to manage it. It further has user attendance report with different output format. Multi-location and Multi-group are good features in which you can manage the specified office and/or department situation. You have up to 50 user capacity and up to 6 groups and 5 locations.
Deliver Your Digital Products To Your Customers Instantly and Automatically,Even If You Are On vacation Or Your Computer is Turned Off...
It is written in ASP/VBscript using Macromedia MX by myself, And It is 100% customizable and extendible.
You can boast the revenue generated by your DVD Rental Business by allowing the users to order online. We have provided many features which can be really useful for the users who may wish to rent a DVD. They can add a DVD in their wishlist and can move the DVD's on their wish list up or down depending on the priority on which they want to rent that DVD. They can see the DVD's which have been sent to them and are on their hands by just visiting their account. So there is no delay in returning them. You have full control of the genres you want to use through our extensive admin panel. You can add as many DVD's as you want with just a click. You have full control over the CMS of the website, you can edit it on the fly. We have provided a HTML WYSIWYG Editor so you do not have to do any kind pf programming. Please check out the demo site to see the script in action.