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The Cgi/Perl Cookbook

Rating 0.0 0.0
This book/CD-ROM set offers a complete introduction to CGI programming with Perl plus a collection of sophisticated CGI programs that readers can use to add popular functions to their Web sites, including search engines, passwords, product databases, a shopping cart, custom forms, animated images, and more. Readers will learn how to incorporate the scripts into their own Web sites, how to customize them for their own goals, and how to use a host of other CGI and Perl programming tricks to create unique and interactive Web sites. CD-ROM includes all the CGI programs from the book--both code and ready-to-run versions; a full copy of Matt's Script Archive," a collection of the best scripts from across the Web.
Platform(s): n/a Date: Jun, 25 2006
Hits: 778

Writing Apache Modules with Perl and C

Rating 0.0 0.0
This guide to Web programming teaches you how to extend the capabilities of the Apache Web server. It explains the design of Apache, mod_perl, and the Apache API, then demonstrates how to use them to rewrite CGI scripts, filter HTML documents on the server-side, enhance server log functionality, convert file formats on the fly, and more.
Platform(s): n/a Date: Feb, 19 2006
Amount: 12
Displaying: 11 - 12
Pages: << 1 [2]