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Amount: 49
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Hits: 470


Rating 0.0 0.0
Mabliki is a HTML::Mason of the Martin Fowler's bliki concept. It uses the wiki formating tags from MediaWiki, and lists the article in a most recent to less recent order. The actual version already implements numbered and no numbered lists, bolds, italics, monospaces, headlines and math formulas. It is powered by a MySQL database, and allows multiple blikis with a single mabliki instalation, since everything is in the dabatase.
Platform(s): Linux Date: Feb, 28 2005
Hits: 308

Migrates FileMaker to MySQL, Oracle, Access, SQL Server, PostgreSQL, FrontBase

Rating 5.0 5.0
FmPro Migrator quickly and accurately migrates FileMaker Pro database structure and data to MySQL, Oracle, Access, SQL Server, Sybase, DB2, PostgreSQL and FrontBase. -- Migrates from Access to FileMaker 7 -- Migrates from FileMaker 3/4/5/6 to FileMaker 7 -- Generates Perl CGI scripts for all databases -- Process Images via the Web With Ease -- Host FileMaker Pro data at any ISP supporting MySQL -- Documents FileMaker Pro database structure -- Migration of large text fields and image data for all supported databases -- No ODBC driver licensing required for UNIX servers -- Repeating Fields Extraction (for selected databases) -- Economical Site License -- FileMaker JPEG image export feature FileMaker Pro database fields containing more than 255 or 4000 characters of text are migrated to the appropriate large text column type in the destination database. JPEG Image data within FileMaker Pro container fields is migrated directly to the appropriate BLOB type of database columns through a network connection. No manual data entry is required for processing either of these specialized data types.
Platform(s): Windows, Mac OSX Date: May, 23 2005
Hits: 655


Rating 0.0 0.0
Make CGI scripts in Perl, offline in Windows. It is a fully integrated visual environment and editor for creating, testing, debugging and running perl scripts and web pages. Includes: Internal server and web browser for previewing, feature packed editor with syntax highlighting, local & remote debugging, context sensitive help, code librarian and templates, RegExp explainer, source reformatter, project support, pod viewer, query editor and other!
Platform(s): Windows Date: Oct, 03 2006
Hits: 1055

PDT-System for PayPal

Rating 0.0 0.0
The PDT-System is a complete back-end handler for paypal. Works with paypal's standard and business accounts. (Not for Free accounts) Simply create a buynow button and send the paypal's auto return to this system and you have complete control of the download(s). Supports multiple buynow buttons to downloads. Unique system design prevents sharing of download links and limits buyer to 3 attempts to download. Details of security and how the system works available. Live Demo available.
Platform(s): Linux Date: Jul, 24 2006
Hits: 789

Perl Builder

Rating 0.0 0.0
Perl Builder is a complete, integrated development environment (IDE) for Perl. Whether you are an experienced Perl developer or a non-programmer who needs to create Perl CGI scripts, Perl Builder's visual tools are guaranteed to dramatically improve your productivity. Main features include: The CGI Wizard allows anyone to create sophisticated CGI scripts without programming, The Integrated Editor/Debugger allows you to immediately test and debug your code in an environment which is reminiscent of the top visual development tools from Microsoft and Borland, Desktop Testing/CGI Simulation, Fully Windowed (GUI) environment, and more.
Platform(s): n/a Date: Apr, 22 2000
Hits: 318

Perl Code Editor

Rating 0.0 0.0
A Perl code editor for Windows. Features include: Syntax Coloring, Bookmarks, Auto Indenting, Line Ending Conversion (Unix to Windows), Drag and Drop Support, Goto Line by Line Number, and Handles .pl and .cgi files.
Platform(s): n/a Date: Jan, 20 2003
Hits: 375

Perl Dev Kit

Rating 0.0 0.0
Perl Dev Kit provides essential tools for Perl programmers, making it easier to build and deploy applications. Perl developers can create self-contained applications, .NET and ActiveX components, Windows services and system tray applications, and more - all written in Perl.
Platform(s): n/a Date: Mar, 05 2004
Hits: 336

Perl domain checker script for Apache

Rating 0.0 0.0
This Perl script was designed to facilitate of domains management on Unix based web servers with Apache installed. Usually on big servers with virtual hosting services the httpd.conf contains the very more "VirtualHost" definitions. The script will analyse your httpd.conf file and DNS records and display all incorrect domains records
Platform(s): n/a Date: Aug, 05 2003
Hits: 758

Perl Editors

Rating 0.0 0.0
Perl Editors brings an extensive list of Editors and other development tools for Perl. All Perl software is fully reviewed and allows programmers to add their own review.
Platform(s): n/a Date: Feb, 01 2005
Hits: 370

Perl Express

Rating 0.0 0.0
Try this integrated development environment (IDE) for Perl with all the necessary tools for writing and debugging your Perl programs. It features multiple CGI scripts for editing, running, and debugging; multiple input files; full server simulation; queries created from an internal Web browser or query editor; test MySQL, MS Access scripts; interective I/O; directory window; code library; and code templates.
Platform(s): n/a Date: Apr, 21 2003
Amount: 49
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