Create superior drop down menus for your Website with Deluxe Menu! Features: Full cross-browser compatible. Search engine friendly. Cross-frame support. Visible over select boxes, iframes, flash, Java applets. Visual interface for easy setup. A lot of pre-designed templates. Hundreds of visual effects. Scrollable, dragable, floating, and context menus. Keyboard navigation. JavaScript API for changing menu "on-the-fly". Free for Non-Profit Websites!
Free Trial
Platform(s): Linux, Windows, FreeBSD, Mac OSX, Sun Solaris
This provides free and low-priced perl scripts, easy to use well documented, like autoresponder, amazongrabber, multicounter, newsletter, suggest to a friend and more.
This site has a handful of free and easy to install scripts for you to use. As of now there is a Topsites Cheater and a Meta Tag Generator, and there are more coming soon.
We offer a tool capable of: a. Universal database development and handling (browse its manual to know what it can do) and b. Creating various usable applications (a fast growing collection of remotely hosted and other scripts (some are free to download) for automation of different Web routines can be found on our site. Marketing, affinity program, research, scheduling, submitting, web-touring and other tools � fast, reliable, user friendly. You can use some of it as your tool located on our server or download others for local use.)
MegaCGI provides a large collection of Perl CGI scripts. Current scripts include search engine, personals, classifieds, tell a friend, stats, download counter, click tracker, doorway builder, ip logger, picpost, tgp, bulk mailer, bbs, ffa, subscribe list with new scripts added all the time.
Bandley3 Software is a Perl CGI Library that includes the 5 Star Rating, Five Stars Review and the new b3 Comment Poll. Other scripts available include the free server time converter, ActualTime, as well as the web site traffic building script Alert-A-Friend.
CGI biz specializes in software solutions that can help your site to grow and prosper. New software is always in development, and we constantly research new techniques to make sure our software is up to date. Currently available scripts include: link directory script, site recommendation, to-do list manager, and site popularity checking script.
RealityWebs offers a number of pre-made (mostly free) CGI scripts for your Web site. Currently available programs include access counters, file downloading systems, form processors, random image displayers, polling scripts, and more.
Smart CGIs makes scripts that are easy to install and that help you grow your web site. We have free CGIs and cheap ones too, all are useful for making your site more interactive.
This site offers a variety of practical free and pay perl/cgi scripts. Currently available programs include redirection scripts, email scripts, file download systems, site content management, Web traffic analyzers, and more. Also has the perl editing software Perl Viewer.