Make your website navigation clean and accessible with Deluxe JavaScript Menus! Features: Full cross-browser compatible. Search engine friendly. Cross-frame support. Visible over select boxes, iframes, flash, Java applets. Visual interface for easy setup. A lot of pre-designed templates. Hundreds of visual effects. Scrollable, dragable, floating, and context menus. Keyboard navigation. JavaScript API for changing menu "on-the-fly". Free for Non-Profit Websites!
Free Trial
Platform(s): Linux, Windows, FreeBSD, Mac OSX, Sun Solaris allows you to download free flash resources like click sounds, sound loops, pixel fonts, icons, most icons also come in png format with transparency so that it can integrate with flash. You can also subscribe and stay updated with new content. If you are an author you can contact us and we will post your resources on site.
CX Nav Bar is a drop down flash menu with a chrome style and sounds. The flash navigation system is very easy to use, all you need to do is configure the external file (xml file) with a simple text editor or with your html editor. Flash program is not needed to configure the buttons, links, etc.
This new flash blog contains latest news, tips, help and support articles about macromedia flash and flash design. New content will be added each week.
Templates for full web sites made in Macromedia Flash MX, new templates are added every day; you can preview thousands of templates from many categories: Flash site templates, Flash intros, logos, php nuke themes, phpBB themes / styles, html page templates, and more. All of them are carefully designed to offer you the best quality on the market. offers a variety of Flash-related resources including Flas, tutorials, Flash Frequently Asked Questions, links, fonts, midis, and more.
You can create your own unique web presence using pre-made designs and templates of the highest quality.
We have a lot of high quality templates to choose from & at unbelieveably low prices.
Many come with amazing Flash features - you will never find such high quality websites at such incredible prices.
Don't have the time, patience or tools to customise your website? Why not let our experienced designers do the work for you - to find out more about our customisation service go to our webpage > services.
Flash templates are available in Macromedia Flash format. Pay per one template to get rarest design.
SelfTemplate provides you with high quality flash template in .fla format as well as our support assistance needed to customize it to fit your flash design needs.
After a purchase has been made you will automatically get a download link from our payment processor. In this way you will be able for instant download of the product.
Platform(s): Linux, Windows, FreeBSD, Mac OSX, Sun Solaris
Flash menu can be Search Engines Friendly! The main disadvantage of flash navigation is now eliminated! Only provides flash menus that by means of special technology read HTML navigation settings and, on the basis of these links, creates the great-looking navigation you see. The website will show to visitors visually appealing flash menu and to search spiders common HTML links. We provide menus as Dreamweaver extensions. You don't need flash or any flash experience. Only minimal knowledge of Dreamweaver is needed. Dreamweaver extension adds to insert bar new component that lets you to create flash menu on your web site with few clicks. Dynamically generated by Flash Action Script. Horizontal flash menu bar, drop down menu or tabbed navigation. Each flash menu is tested and approved by Adobe Quality Assurance team and listed in Macromedia/Adobe Exchange section.
A large variety of best animated logos from best designers of world. Get powerfull solution of your logo at very low cost and Time. the name of quality work and design.
Platform(s): Linux, Windows, FreeBSD, Mac OSX, Sun Solaris