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This article discusses using the JSP and JDBC technologies to integrate static, dynamic, and database content in Web sites. For the purposes of simplicity and illustration, the JSP pages here use short scriptlets to expose the JSP developer to the underlying JDBC concepts instead of hiding them in custom tags. The author introduces a key design approach that integrates JavaBeans components with JDBC, similar to the way that JavaServer Pages technology already uses beans with HTTP. He also provides code for implementing this integration.
An article on updating records in the database using JDBC with Java Servlets. Every step from establishing a Connection to executing the UPDATE query is explained in detail. Online demo available.
This is the simplest and fastest code that shows how to implement multiple-column table sorting in JSP (Sort Ascending & Sort Descending).
Excellent for JSP Database beginers
Author: Tanwani Anyangwe
An article on inserting records into the database with Java Servlets. Every step from establishing a Connection to executing the INSERT SQL query is explained in detail. Online demo available.
An article on displaying records from the database with Java Servlets. Every step from establishing a Connection to iterating through ResultSet is explained in detail.
This step by step tutorial describes how to access database using JDBC with JSP tags in a JSP page. Also describes how to iterate through the records using BodyTag interface. Online demo available.