Make professional DHTML and Java Script Menus in minutes with Deluxe Menu! Features: Full cross-browser compatible. Search engine friendly. Cross-frame support - menus work on frameset-based pages. Visible over select boxes, iframes, flash, Java applets. Visual interface for easy setup. A lot of pre-designed templates. Hundreds of visual effects. Scrollable, dragable, floating, and context menus. Keyboard navigation. JavaScript API for changing menu "on-the-fly". Free for Non-Profit Websites!
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Platform(s): Linux, Windows, FreeBSD, Mac OSX, Sun Solaris
J2EE Interview Questions: Get the Interview Questions and Frequently Asked Questions in Java related Technologies. Over 1000 Questions and Answers in J2EE subjects like Java, JDBC, EJB, Struts, JMS, JSP, Servlets, Core Java and OOPS. Discuss each Question in detail and prepare for your Interview.
JForma is a custom tag library for JavaServer Pages(JSP)development.It falls within the realm of what is often called a 'framework' or a 'backbone',the main purposes of which are to speed up applications development and to lower the level of technical expertise in such area as Java and SQL programming.For exampl,you may import table definitions from one or more SQL databases and then,using the custom tags from the form library in the JSPs you write,create Html forms including fields from those tables.For more information download the file and read the documentation.
Coldjava provides a largest collection of Java Servlets over the Net. Offers JSP taglibs, development tools for JSP/Servlets developers, WAP development tools, and more.
Created to improve the state of the servlet community, provides a number of free, high-quality servlets. Currently available programs include discussion board, guestbook, form processor, counter, random quote, random image, and more.