This script automatically replaces all checkboxes with your own cool checkbox-image without the need to change any HTML. Your forms will keep working exactly like they did before.
This is a surprisingly simple script that creates pop-up menues from td's in tables. This means that the javascript aspect is very small, but you have to create your own menues following the example format. Pretty easy to use, and pretty cool. It's on the top of all my site's pages.
Platform(s): Linux, Windows, FreeBSD, Mac OSX, Sun Solaris
You've probably seen it somewhere, a cool looking fade in/out effect. It is done with some JavaScript and the filter CSS attribute which only works in the latest versions of MSIE.
But what if you want some more control? Or want to make it work in Mozilla? This script will do just that, if you want to, you can modify it to do even more.
This simple java script works with any language. It's Front Page ready and you can modify the marquee file and include it as an iFrame wherever you wish it to be displayed.
Why is it called Stoppable, because it come with a push button to make it stop or keep scrolling.
At my place of employment, we are beginning to plug in international support to our websites. Our clients have gotten used to dynamic number formatting in applications such as Excel. Naturally, we need to duplicate this functionality in our web pages. In many areas, we'll be using the globalization features of Microsoft.NET. Unfortunately, many of our pages have client side functionality that isn't well suited for server controls. So, I was left to come up with a way to format numbers 100% client side in JavaScript. The code sample below is the result of my work.
Run up to six stop watches simultaneously in your browser. Good for timing multiple projects.
1) Controls: "Start", "Pause", and "Reset"
2) Up to 6 stopwatches on page, each with independent controls.
3) Browswer "sniffer" so it will work with most browsers.
(tested on IE, Netscape 7.1, Mozilla FireFox, and Netscape 4.7. Works on all the above, but does not look good in NS 4.7)
Fun and challenging!!
JavaScript box puzzle. A table of 16 cells is filled with randomly generated numbers from 1 to 15. One cell is left blank. As the user clicks on one cell, it is swapped with the adjacent cell, if it is the blank one. The object of the game it to get the numbers in proper order.
Just created the most wonderful XML/XSL website, but people complain that it doesn't work, simply because their browser is outdated?
This script check if client-side XML/XSL transformations are supported and allow you to specifiy an action after that, tell them to upgrade, or just send them to another page.