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Amount: 27
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Hits: 834

No Stop Popz

Rating 0.0 0.0
No Stop Popz is an easy to use, multi directional sliding pop-up generator, with No Stop Popz you are able to create sliding pop-ups which can be made to do any number of things. Features include: Make a sliding Pop-Up of any size You can change the colour of the title bar and background You can change the speed of the Pop-Up from really slow to super fast. You can choose from any number of directions, up, down, left, right etc. etc. and change the exit direction so the Pop Up can enter the screen downward and then exit to the right. You can choose the length of time the Pop-Up stays on the screen. The free downloadable version only creates pop ups which go down, but it will give you a good idea. There is also a demonstration page at the website.
Platform(s): n/a Date: Mar, 29 2004
Hits: 1863

Calculator with Handy Functions

Rating 0.0 0.0
A simple JavaScript calculator sometimes may have some unwanted reactions when its user press some buttons unexpected by the design. This calculator has some better controls to avoid these unwanted reactions to the unusual button pressing. It works in the way like a practical product.
Platform(s): n/a Date: Jan, 03 2004
Hits: 1785

File Extension checker

Rating 3.5 3.5
The file type will be checked before uploading the file to the server from the client it self. if there is any suggestions or doubts about this script you can mail me.
Platform(s): n/a Date: Dec, 31 2003
Hits: 912

Advanced "Images loading..." message and status bar

Rating 4.0 4.0
Let your visitors see a status bar and information as they wait for your images to preload into there browser cache. Tested on MSIE6 and NS6 but should work on all versions of MSIE and Netscape - NOT Netscape 2-4 (document.layers). This is the improved version of "Image loading message". Easily customisable to work with other scripts.
Platform(s): n/a Date: Dec, 18 2003
Hits: 1813

Date Script - Turkish / Tarih Script - Turkce

Rating 0.0 0.0
This is a code that is written by me for specifically Turkish people to publish in their webpage the date. Hope it'll be useful.
Platform(s): n/a Date: Nov, 16 2003
Hits: 884

HV Menu

Rating 4.0 4.0
Menu status clarified- HV menu found on Dynamic Drive may be used on both commerical and non commerical sites. This applies EXCLUSIVELY to script found on Dynamic Drive, and not author's site. Menu can be vertically static Menu can be horizontal justified Selected path can stay highlighted More control over arrows. Fixed relative positioning bug in Mozilla
Platform(s): n/a Date: Nov, 12 2003
Hits: 1604

Javascript Popup Template

Rating 0.0 0.0
Popup template - function which creates popup windows and defines their characteristics which you can paste into your javascript code and easily configure.
Platform(s): n/a Date: May, 27 2003
Amount: 27
Displaying: 21 - 27
Pages: << 1 2 [3]