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Set Cookie PHP - PHP Cookie - Cookie Tutorial PHP

Rating 3.0 3.0
Cookies allow the webmaster to store information about the site visitor on their computer to be accessed again the next time they visit. One common use of cookies is to store your username and password on your computer so you don't need to login again each time you visit a website. Cookies can also store other things such as your name, last visit, shopping cart contents, etc. Read more at www.articlecircle.com ... The main difference between a cookie and a session is that a cookie is stored on your computer, and a session is not. Although cookies have been around for many years and most people do have them enabled, there are some who do not. Cookies can also be removed by the user at any time, so don't use them to store anything too important.
Platform(s): Windows Date: Dec, 15 2006
Hits: 1432

Configuration Management

Rating 5.0 5.0
The mangement of software development projects with respect to issues such as multiple developers working on the same code at the same time, targeting multiple platforms, supporting multiple versions, and controlling the status of code.
Platform(s): Windows Date: Dec, 05 2006
Hits: 2005

Business Process Execution Language

Rating 0.0 0.0
BPEL for Web services, also known as BPELWS or BPEL4WS, is based upon XML standards. It is intended to provide a means to implement task-sharing in a distributed or grid computing environment both within and across multiple organizations. The BPEL acts as a "glue" between various Web services.
Platform(s): Windows Date: Aug, 14 2006
Hits: 1410

Job Costing Software - The Benefits

Rating 0.0 0.0
Job costing software lets you resume your role as project manager, not accountant. Manual methods of job costing simply cannot keep up with a project’s daily changes.
Platform(s): Windows Date: Aug, 14 2006
Hits: 1546

Aspect-oriented Software Development and PHP

Rating 0.0 0.0
Aspect Oriented Software Development (AOSD) is a methodology meant to implement new aspects in software component using external components, but without altering the code that implements the core functionality. The AOSD concept was applied originally by Java developers. They developed a compiler that implements the AOP (Aspect-Oriented Programming, an implementation of AOSD) white box approach, i.e. the compiler the merges the code that implements the software components core functionality with the necessary code alterations to implement the new aspects where necessary. This paper provides an introduction into the paradigm of aspect-oriented software development (AOSD). It includes a multitude of practical examples, provided with a view to objectify such abstract approach as AOSD, as well as to help the reader easily grasp its essence and advantages. The paper is primarily intended for programmers working with PHP. Its aim is to demonstrate a way of applying AOSD in PHP-based project
Platform(s): Windows Date: May, 14 2006
Hits: 549

Export MS Excel data to your WEB site directly!

Rating 0.0 0.0
There is a long-time existed obstacle of Microsoft software products usage in Unix/Linux environment. Microsoft Excel is definitely one of the most important programs for a typical user. Hundreds of millions of XLS files with different information exist and millions are created every day. Not only users work with XLS files on their local machines but they also want to use such files in the Internet. Taking into account the fact that the great majority of Web servers are operational under Unix/Linux we can clearly recognize the question about XLS file reading under Unix/Linux. The good news is that the problem has already been solved...
Platform(s): Linux, Windows, Mac OSX, Sun Solaris Date: Mar, 22 2006
Hits: 1310

Marketing manu scripts

Rating 0.0 0.0
A collection of techniques that Mark Joyner has tested and perfected. Just one technique can increase your Internet sales by 32%. Jay Conrad Levinson said he'd easily pay $2,000 or more for this document. He said "every page was a true revelation." Joe Vitale said everyone selling *anything* on the Net should keep a copy of this on their desk.
Platform(s): Windows Date: Aug, 04 2005
Hits: 690

Building Modular XHTML Web Pages with PHP

Rating 0.0 0.0
Learn how to use PHP to separate the different elements that make up a well designed and valid Web page into its component parts and have these parts adapt in certain powerful ways. These components correlate almost exactly with the modular design of XHTML itself. Covers the key differences between HTML and XHTML, the HTTP protocol, content negotiation and MIME types, returning the correct DOCTYPE declaration, building custom metadata in the <head> section of each document, extracting navigation elements and content from a MySQL database, markup functions, and finally closing page elements. The series concludes with a sample page that demonstrates all the key aspects. Full annotated source code is provided throughout.
Platform(s): Windows Date: Jul, 26 2005
Hits: 1218

Dating Scripts

Rating 0.0 0.0
Information, listings, blogs, discussions about Dating Scripts, Dating Software, Matchmaking Software, Matchmaker Software.
Platform(s): Linux, Windows, FreeBSD, Mac OSX, Sun Solaris Date: Jun, 22 2005
Hits: 1157

SmartPPC Pro FindArticles Plug-In

Rating 1.0 1.0
"FindArticles Plug-In is designed to help your visitors find published articles quick and easy, based on the topics of interest. It searches articles among more than 5.5 million articles from more than 900 magazines and journals, starting from 1998 until present. FindArticles even brings some print-only publications to the Web for the first time. This plugin will extend scopes of SmartPPC Pro script.Using this plugin you can offer your visitors new services and enlarge traffic and ranking.
Platform(s): Linux, Windows, FreeBSD, Sun Solaris Date: Mar, 30 2005
Amount: 42
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