How to have a single file containg header information and use it in all other files?
It is very simple to do this using php.
Most of the commecrical website use common header and footer files. It will be so helpfull because when we want to change any information it is enough if we do it in a single file rather then duplicating it.
This tutorial will show you the basics of using PHP with some simple Javascripting methods to create a drop down menuing system for your site.
This will teach you the simple tricks of using Javascripting with your PHP code in order to display simple yet effective drop down menus for your users.
Let's pretend you have 10 pages in your site with the same design and you want to change a link in your menu. You would have to edit all 10 pages, right? Nope, there's a much quicker way allowing you to edit just one file and it's not as hard as it sounds. What we have to do is create a header file and a footer file. The header file contains all the HTML code for the top portion of your site. The footer contains the HTML for the bottom. Content goes between the header and footer. Let's get started...
This tutorial will teach you have to make your site have the option to allow the users to choose the look and feel of the site using PHP, and MySQL wrapped around a HTML template. Doing this gives you more control of your site without having to recode all yout HTML inside your PHP scripts.
This tutorial explains how to identify IE4+ or NS4+ on a windows 32 bit platform (all else is "OtherBrowser") and include different html Web pages for different browser types using PHP.
BM's DeveloperWorks website has a nice tutorial on Midgard. Written by David Seager, a software engineer at IBM, the article describes setting up a basic Midgard site. The article also does a good job of setting up a general context for what Midgard is and how it works.
There are many different ways to create a template system in PHP. This tutorial will hopefully show you the basic understanding of this type of method.
This article/column describes how to create a simple single table, single template content management system. It shows you how to make a powerful yet simple data driven website using <a href="">DataMan</a>. You can put a site up in less than 30mins.