A continuation of the series, "Data Integrity Using MySQL and PHP," this article discusses the concept of auto_increment fields in MySQL, to cause MySQL to store a unique, incrementing integer in the field of each new row.
This 6-page article explains how to create an extension to PHPLIB to work with multiple databases. You may find this article helps you extend PHPLIB in other ways. Read this article to the end and then think about situations where PHPLIB performs 98% of what you want.
This article is aimed at answering one of the most asked questions on the PHP mailing list and discussion forums alike: How to store binary files in a MySQL database. This article is split into three pages: Setting up the database, Creating the 'upload' scripts, and Creating the 'download' script. Includes the complete source code for all the scripts involved.
Many devs using MySQL have fallen in love with PHP. Jason Gilmore explains why they're the perfect couple. This is ore of an introductory article on PHP and MySQL covering such topics as features of PHP and MySQL, and how to use PHP to interact with MySQL.
ODBC is one of Microsoft's earliest technologies for connecting to databases. This article describes how to setup and use ODBC from a PHP perspective. Also discusses ODBC extension bugs, database wrapper libraries, Microsoft's ADO (which is Microsoft's recommended API for 4GL programmers) and DSN-less connections.
One of the most important factors in dynamic web page development is database definition. If your tables are not set up properly, it can cause you a lot of headaches down the road when you have to perform miraculous SQL calls in your PHP code in order to extract the data you want. By understanding data relationships and the normalization of data, you will be better prepared to begin developing your application in PHP. This 6-page article describes the data relationships and the normalization of data using a simple example.
This is the second part of creating Web-based admin user interface. This tutorial covers adding and deleting users via Web form using a MySQL database.