This introductory guide covers a wide range of subjects on PHP programming. Some of main topics include: PHP history, PHP 4 Architecture, Language Syntax, Embedding PHP Code, Dynamic vs. Static Web pages, Variables, Arrays, Conditionals and Looping Constructs, Web Application Features, Working With Cookies, Built-in Variables, and Database Handling.
This tutorial provides some technical background on a LAMP server, database design and normalization of a MySQL
database, and an approach to developing admin screens for a fictional game site, as a learn-by-example application, illustrating
the issues a developer should consider when designing and coding a php/MySQL database driven website.
If you know HTML and new to PHP, This is the tutorial for you. This is the first of many part of the PHP tutorials which will guide you thru into creating a dynamic & easy maintenance website. Read on !
A beginning programmer's tutorial on what must happen and the order in which it must happen. An example from real life. (Programming language independent).
This online manual is meant to serve as a place to start for people not familiar with PHP. It covers the basics of variables, forms, sending email and MySQL databases.
This article will explain how to build dynamic web pages with PHP. PHP is a very popular and easy to learn script language. Regardless if you are starting to build your website, or if you are already a pro, just read on to learn more about dynamic web pages and PHP.