It is a function that splits any array to many pages. Easy to configure number of maximum items per page. Very simple to use, then it writes both your array and a Page navigaton bar automatically. New version 1.2 supports result template, document title.
One of the things that all programmers love is to write a program which writes another program. On the web we have two different programming environments: the client (browser) and the server. Due to the HTTP protocol definition we can write a program on the server which writes another program to be executed on the client. Let's pick PHP (of course) for the server and JavaScript for the client. We'll show you in this article how you can use this scheme to store data in the client and then minimize the data transfered between the server and the browser for interactive applications like a chat room, a news system or whatever you want.
A new method of text based captcha to verify human input in forms. Much more accessible to screen readers and very easy for humans to decipher (as opposed to some image based CAPTCHAs).
Did you know that require() and include() work differently? Both are used for including code in another file into your program, but there is a crucial difference in how they operate when that file cannot be read which any PHP programmer needs to know about. There's also a slight difference with require() between new and older versions of PHP which this tutorial discusses too.
Platform(s): Linux, Windows, FreeBSD, Mac OSX, Sun Solaris
The Google Adsense administration section gives you some superficial stats. Want more detail? You gotta track hits yourself. This tutorial will teach you how to track the ads that have been clicked; the pages they were clicked on; and which visitors have been doing the clicking!
Scheduling events to run at certain times can be a useful feature. You may want to backup your database or update a set of files you have cached on your server or perform any number of other resource intensive tasks. You can manually visit the page and this works fine if you have a good memory, it isn't time critical and it doesn't need to be run several times a day.
If you and your task don't fit into all those categories (and even if you do but have better things to do with your time) a better alternative will be to run your script using cron.
In this article I list the options for scheduling a task to run periodically and I go into detail on running a script with cron.