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Amount: 114
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Hits: 656

PHP Articles and Tutorials

Rating 0.0 0.0
Listing of more then 100 Articles on Php Including tips,tricks,how like 1.Apache, MySQL & PHP for Windows 2.Creating Dynamic Website Content with PHP - MySQL 3.PHP Server to Client with No Refresh. 4.Some PHP functions you must know 5.PHP & Dynamic Content
Platform(s): Windows Date: Oct, 05 2006
Hits: 1319

Passing JavaScript variables to PHP

Rating 2.5 2.5
JavaScript is mainly used as a client side scripting language, while PHP is a server side technology. Unlike Java or ASP.Net, PHP doesn't have tools to make it work client side. That is why you need to combine JavaScript and PHP scripts to develop powerful web-applications.
Platform(s): Windows Date: Sep, 28 2006
Hits: 728

Using Google Geocodes

Rating 0.0 0.0
A function to get the coordinates of an address using Google Geocodes. A tutorial to demonstrate how to write a function that will get the coordinates of an address (mainly used to plot on Google Maps API).
Platform(s): Linux, Windows, FreeBSD, Mac OSX, Sun Solaris Date: Sep, 26 2006
Hits: 269

AJAX Requests With PHP and Prototype - A Primer

Rating 0.0 0.0
An introduction to making ajax requests with the prototype javascript library. The article covers all important aspects of AJAX requests, as well as uses a live-search as a practical example.
Platform(s): Windows Date: Aug, 31 2006
Hits: 654

PHP distance Calculation using Latitude and Longitude using GeoDataSource

Rating 0.0 0.0
This routine calculates the distance between two points. It is being used to calculate the distance between two locations using GeoDataSource Products
Platform(s): Linux, Windows, FreeBSD, Mac OSX, Sun Solaris Date: Aug, 16 2006
Hits: 326

View Source Code Page

Rating 0.0 0.0
This script generates a page akin to a browser's View Source option. The advantage of using this script is that you can customise the stlying to match your website user interface.
Platform(s): n/a Date: Jun, 25 2006
Hits: 1691

Dictionary of HTML META Tags

Rating 0.0 0.0
Metatags are a way for you to define your web page and web site to the outside world. You can declare the title, keywords and description, which help your placement in search engines. In addition, you can specify who owns the copyright, how often the page is to be visited by search engines and many other useful pieces of information.
Platform(s): Linux, Windows, FreeBSD, Mac OSX Date: Jun, 11 2006
Hits: 424

Make A Automatic Install File

Rating 0.0 0.0
this script will automatically set up tables in a database upon pushing the install button, it's great for developers who want to make the instalations for users fast, easy, quick, and totally painless.
Platform(s): Windows Date: Jun, 07 2006
Hits: 658

Conversion into roman numbers

Rating 0.0 0.0
A php tutorial that shows how to use while cycle to convert a number into roman numbers.
Platform(s): Linux, Windows Date: May, 27 2006
Hits: 551

Simple AJAX/PHP Tutorial and Library

Rating 5.0 5.0
Very simple and effective AJAX tutorial and code library. All open source and completely free to use.
Platform(s): Linux, Windows, FreeBSD, Mac OSX, Sun Solaris Date: May, 25 2006
Amount: 114
Displaying: 11 - 20
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