PHP, PHP-Nuke/Post Nuke's CMS, Blocks, Addons, Modules, Themes, and downloads. Script for Adsense and Amazon Affiliate. Search Google and Amazon at the same time!.
Bali Script provides PHO/MySQL based scripts. Currently available scripts are asn guetbook (guestbook with 'reply' feature) and asn forum (simple version of 'complicated' PHPbb).
WebWorkz Ware offers a collection of site-enhancing PHP scripts including form 2 mail, banner rotation, weather retrieval, stock retrieval, guestbook, and META Tag Generator scripts. New web site released 2004-02-25 is a web design and PHP resource, filled with articles and tutorials covering many topics, including design techniques, PHP feedback forms, server-side programming languages and more.
PHPbuddy offers articles and tutorials on PHP / MySQL for both experienced users and novice users that want to learn PHP. This site is made from a webmaster's point of view who wants to make/maintain websites based on PHP.