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Platform(s): Linux, Windows, FreeBSD, Mac OSX, Sun Solaris is a service designed for webmasters who wish to simplify and manage advertisements on their sites. Includes the management of image banners as well as media banners like the banners from the advertising networks. offers a free banner ad rotation and tracking service for Web sites. Its well designed system combines advanced software with high quality infrastructure to give you the power to manage your website advertising. can track the performance of each individual ad including Banner impressions, clicks, revenue, click-through-ratio and more. also allows the creation of multiple groups which allows you to individually manage different ad placements across your page template. Its advertising campaign reports contain the vital statistics that are updated in real time. gives you total control over every aspect of your ad. It supports all standard IAB/CASIE banner sizes, rich media banners, text ads and third party adserving.
Banner4All offers a free ad management service that supports both GIF and HTML banners. The Administration module provides you with detailed statistics for campaigns and banners. The system can be used as a stand alone banner rotation system or used as a third party solution to keep track of your sponsors, banner exchange agreements etc.
AdvertSERVE is a remote-hosted instance of our ad management program, AdvertPRO ( This service is designed for clients who want to use AdvertPRO, but who's server will not run it locally, or for those who wish to off-load the demands of ad serving from their site server. The AdvertSERVE service can really save you a lot of money if you use, or are considering using, other ad serving services which charge you monthly fees or percentages of your ad revenue.
Ad Rotator is an easy way to rotate banner advertising on your website. It tracks impressions and click throughs and reports in real time with tables and visual graphs. Ad Rotator can increase your revenue by eliminating banner burn out. Ad Rotator serve 10% of their ads on your page.