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Amount: 14
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Hits: 344

eBay Misspelled Item Search Misspellsearch.com

Rating 5.0 5.0
Thousands of items on eBay are listed with misspelled descriptions, items, item names, from a single word to multiple words. These items often expire with no bids on them as no one can find them. That is why we developed this search engine to uncover those hidden Gems. eBay Misspelled Item Search will unlock many hidden misspellings and provide you with more buying dollars. This search box can also be placed upon your own website with no restrictions. If they can misspell it, we can find it on eBay.
Platform(s): Windows Date: Mar, 13 2005
Hits: 727

A Q Lister

Rating 0.0 0.0
A Q Lister is an easy to use eBay Listing tool that allows new or experienced eBay sellers to create and list great looking ads and store items in seconds. -- Upload images for ads from right in your browser - up to 8 images per ad with FREE image hosting. Choose from hundreds of theme and template combinations with the click of your mouse. New themes are being added all the time. -- Set your listing preferences (price, start time, etc.) -- For Windows, Unix or Mac users.
Platform(s): n/a Date: Aug, 23 2004
Hits: 239

JustSnipe.com - An Ebay Auction Sniper

Rating 0.0 0.0
JustSnipe is an online service provider that helps you to place auction orders at the last moment before the auction on eBay is closed. This application helps avoid bidding war and increase a winning chance. Registration through SSL is secured and simple. JustSnipe offers varieties of service level, ranging from limited version (free snipe every week) to unlimited version (paid subscription).
Platform(s): n/a Date: Dec, 06 2003
Hits: 393

CGISpy.com Auctions

Rating 0.0 0.0
CGISpy.com Auctions are remotely hosted auctions at their best. You can customize the look, and with features like user registration, closed auctions, and built in help sections, you can't go wrong.
Platform(s): n/a Date: Oct, 23 2000
Amount: 14
Displaying: 11 - 14
Pages: << 1 [2]