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Amount: 142
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Hits: 750

Online Visitors Stats

Rating 0.0 0.0
BasicStat.Com is a free online visitors stats service. We provide real-time stats about online visitors of your site. Stats include Visitors IP Address or Hostname, Requested URL of your web site, Visitors Country, Visitors Browser and Referred Web Pages. No Registration Required. Just cut and paste snipped javascript code on your web site.
Platform(s): Windows Date: Mar, 15 2005
Hits: 425

Advanced Text counter Service

Rating 0.0 0.0
Our Web Counter service takes a different approach to Counters, we have advanced features such as the ability not just to count hits, but to count unique visitors, you can Set your Count for both stats back to (0), and start your Hits Number off at a higher Limit, Both unique visitors and Hits visitors are displayed on your webpage as a text Counter, We now have an Adavnced, but at the same time, easy to use counter Style wizard, with an option for a scrolling Text counter, we also have a new advanced Invisible Mode feature, where you can hide your counter from Site, we offer a well designed, and easy to use Members area to admin your Counter, We also offer a Paid Service from just $1 per Month, for an exmaple of our counter and to see how it all works and to get the lastest features please Visit us.
Platform(s): Windows Date: Nov, 21 2004
Hits: 888

Fast Hit Counter

Rating 0.0 0.0
Fast, reliable, and can be setup in seconds! Just grab your code and you'r set! You can also adapt the counter to your site. Just add your style name to the counter code given to you and the counter fits perfectly with your site! Like if its hosted on your site!
Platform(s): Windows Date: Nov, 15 2004
Hits: 349

Fast Individual Page Hit Counter

Rating 0.0 0.0
This free counter can monitor all the pages on your website. It displays the number of hits for each individual page. You can set it to have the style of one of your CSS styles so it would perfectly fit your website. You can also check your statistics on our website. No need to fill in any forms you just enter your site ID which is automatically given to you when you start using the counter.
Platform(s): n/a Date: Nov, 15 2004
Hits: 318

Fast Users Online Counter

Rating 5.0 5.0
Process and service are fast, free, and reliable. Your counter code is ready as soon as you get on the main page. No long forms to be filled in - not even your email address! There are no ads affiliated with the counter. You can set the counter to CSS styles of your website so it would perfectly fit in. You can also change the wording used in the counter very easily (IE instead of 1 User Online you could put 1 Member Online, or 1 Human Online. Whatever you like!)
Platform(s): Date: Nov, 15 2004
Hits: 1061

Counters.CC - free web counter

Rating 4.0 4.0
Counters.CC features a free counter for your website. It has many detailed functions like number of visitors, referrers, search engine search terms used to find your website, operating systems used, screen resolutions used, and even more. You can choose from multiple skins for the counter, or have an invisible counter!
Platform(s): Windows Date: May, 05 2005
Hits: 516

Free Hit Counter (99% Accurate!)

Rating 0.0 0.0
100% free, 99% accurate, perfect for webmasters! Easy to add to your site, just copy the small bit of JavaScript off our site and add it into your web page code! Text only, no advertisements, just a great counter!
Platform(s): Windows Date: Nov, 08 2004
Hits: 881

Free Web Stats

Rating 0.0 0.0
Our free web stats at URL-Stats.com display formats come in a variety of colors, fonts and sizes for you to custom configure. Do not be fooled by fancy charts and pretty pictures. You need accurate free web stats counter statistics. URL-Stats.com tracks and displays each bit of data. Once our code is placed into your page(s) you will not have to edit anything else, it can all be done from our web based interface
Platform(s): Windows Date: Nov, 15 2004
Hits: 395

BW Advanced Counter and Logger

Rating 0.0 0.0
Select text or a graphic - chooseable start count. Features include: Powerful admin panel, Statistics, Calendar, Browser/Operating System info, personal settings, customizable counter, hosts, ips, referrers, agent info, resolution, colour, time, users online at the moment - hourly, daily, weekly, monthly and yearly graphs - and all the other features you would ever want or need! Very easy to setup simply cut & paste!
Platform(s): Windows Date: May, 25 2006
Hits: 813

AtFlash Animated Hit Counters

Rating 0.0 0.0
AtFlash offers a variety of free hit counters for your web page. Dozens of traditional hit counters to choose from, including free flash hit counters and a hidden hit counter In addition, AtFlash offers state of the art free web site statistics. These web site statistics allow you to closely monitor all the traffic on your page and it's included free with any hit counter, including the flash hit counters and the invisible hit counter.
Platform(s): Windows Date: Oct, 27 2004
Amount: 142
Displaying: 61 - 70
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