Biscuit Books is a remotely hosted, free guestbook hosting service with no giant banner ads or popups. Our service provides users with color optimization, html editing, pageview counters, and a full member control panel. Registration takes less than a single minute!
Bravenet Guestbooks allow your visitors to post a public message right on your Site. Features include: Customize the title graphic, the title and a sub-title description, Choose any background graphic and color, Pick suitable colors for the text, Decide on a dividing graphic, Put in a little background music, Ask any questions you like, up to fifteen, In any language, Turn off/on profanity checking and/or permitting images to be posted, Receive notification by e-mail when someone signs your guestbook, and IP address banning allows you to stop people from signing.
This service lets your visitors leave their opinions, ideas and suggestions on your Web site. You can change the design of your guestbook however you like, delete any of the articles, and decide whether you want to allow html-tags or not.
A guestbook service that allows visitors to view or put there own comments about your website. They can read what other people think of it and/or add there own comments. You can modify the questions, add your own or remove them, and edit the variables.
This is a brand new free guestbook service with over 35 features, like email notidication, thank your signers, customize your thank you email, spam prevention, completely customize the layout (raw HTML codes allowed), you can even add a search engine and an icq checker to your guestbook.
CrazyGestbook is a free guestbook service for the users who have a difficulty in installing CGI programs. Man features include: Auto Link, Visitor Counter, Email Notification, Various Writing Mode, Web Administration.
Not Much To Say. I really don’t have much to say !
We offer You best Guestbook you will ever find.
Why Custom MultiLingual Guestbook?
Because You can change everything: Colors, Language and much more.
It's Not Our Guestbook ! Really Not It's Yours.
Please Visit Us.
Dreambook is a free guest book server that combines a very simple interface with a very powerful tool to help you design your own Dreambook to match your site as much as possible.