Add a free guestbook to a website today. No pop-ups or banners ads. Just sign up, link to the guestbook and start getting posts. Customize the look with background color and custom graphics.
Free Guestbook for your: ability to Reply,Edit,Delete messages,
5 Guestbook html layouts to choose,
IP logging and banning,
Translate to your own language,
Receive new entry e-mail notification,Send e-mail message to all your guestbook visitors,Customizable header and footer HTML,
Advanced control panel.
A feature pack remotely hosted website guestbook. Email notification when someone signs it. Security settings to approve submissions or delete submissions. Customized colors and ability to add custom HTML to match your existing website.
Add a guestbook that includes polls and surveys to your site using simple cut and paste code. Modify the look and color scheme of your guestbook anytime.
Here you can get a free guestbook for your site,
all you have to do is follow these steps: Register, Add a guestbook, Change the layout of your guestbook.
Remotely hosted guestbook featuring a long list of customisations, including custom languages and the option to define your own stylesheet, profanity filter, spam filter, a optional guestbook logo and more...