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Deluxe Menu, Deluxe Tree, Deluxe Tabs

Hot! Deluxe Menus: JavaScript DropDown Menus, JavaScript TreeView, JavaScript Tabbed Menus

{#rating#} 5.0 5.0
Improve your web site navigation with Deluxe Menu! Deluxe Menu is a ready-made, professional solution that allows webmasters to create superior, cross-browser, fast-loading web menus.
Free Trial Platform(s): Linux, Windows, FreeBSD, Mac OSX, Sun Solaris Date: Nov, 01 2006
Amount: 168
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Hits: 1208

PR Gatherer and more

Rating 0.0 0.0
This little tool will let you know: the PR of your site, the number of Backlinks, the number of indexed pages, the last date your URL was cached by Google. Try it - it's free of charge. Google is a registered trademark of Google, Inc.
Platform(s): Linux, Windows, FreeBSD, Mac OSX, Sun Solaris Date: Nov, 16 2006
Hits: 1206

Cyber Medic Reporter

Rating 0.0 0.0
The Cyber Medic Reporter is an online software application meant to bridge the gap between hospital and referring GP. The Cyber Medic Reporter makes use of the latest technology to allow hospitals to communicate easily and effectively with GPs and at the same time saving on communication costs. The system has been designed keeping in mind ease of use and data security as top priorities.
Platform(s): Linux, Windows, FreeBSD Date: Aug, 09 2006
Hits: 1202

Start your own dating site today!

Rating 0.0 0.0
Start your own dating site is easy as 1-2-3 for only $19.95/month. 1. Create an account with us. 2. Select and create template for your dating site. 3. Accept payment with merchant account, PayPal, or 2CheckOut. With DatingSite Builder, you do not need to know any programming, we provide all the tools for you to start your own dating website. For only $19.95 per month and no setup fee, you can start in a minute.
Platform(s): Windows Date: Apr, 11 2005
Hits: 1189

Script Scheduling Service That Works

Rating 0.0 0.0
CronService.co.uk/TaskScheduler.co.uk offers a FREE 30 day trial of it's innovative script scheduling solution. If you have an ASP, .NET, PHP script or any other type of page that you need to have executed at a certain time of day and don't have access to task scheduler or cron then this service is ideal for you. A simple administration system that hides the strength of this system. You can set up a script to run and have they system email you on success or failure, instantly see when any of your scripts last ran, see the failure counts and much, much more. All this for unlimited use for a low $19.99 for a full year. That's as many scripts as you want for 365 days for only $19.99. And with a FREE 30 day trial you really have nothing to lose.
Platform(s): n/a Date: Mar, 05 2005
Hits: 1172


Rating 0.0 0.0
This service converts plain text (ASCII) files in DOS/MAC format (CR/LF) to UNIX format (CR). This conversion performs the same function as the Dos2Unix converter found on Unix. This is a FREE service.
Platform(s): n/a Date: May, 01 2005
Hits: 1169

HTML Encrypt

Rating 4.0 4.0
Hide all your HTML source code simply with this html encrypter. Prevent your code from being stolen by other webmasters.
Platform(s): Windows Date: Jan, 05 2006
Hits: 1103


Rating 5.0 5.0
The normal way to connect to your FTP server is to use a FTP client, and to communicate via the FTP protocol. This is, however, not always possible: - you may be behind a corporate firewall at work, which may block the FTP communications; - you may be on holiday and connecting to the Internet via a CyberCafe, where you may not be allowed to install an FTP client. When you use Net2FTP these problems are solved: you connect to Net2FTP using a regular web browser, and Net2FTP translates your requests and takes care of the FTP communication. This is a FREE service!
Platform(s): Windows Date: Jul, 28 2005
Hits: 1103

Self Catering Cottages Management System

Rating 0.0 0.0
Maud � the efficient 21st century receptionist! Availability lists, last minute offers, guided web-tours of each property, payment and directions are all now done by Maud. There is no chance of double-bookings or misunderstandings and customers know exactly what to expect. Online secure payment - money paid by BACS direct into your bank account. SMS text message keeps you up to date when online reservations are made.
Platform(s): Linux Date: Jun, 16 2005
Hits: 1099

RegEx Tester

Rating 5.0 5.0
This service will test RegEx (Regular Expressions) - Perl, PHP, JavaScript, etc. Excellent tool to debug and develop RegEx. This is a FREE service.
Platform(s): Windows Date: Apr, 30 2005
Hits: 1091

Route Finder

Rating 0.0 0.0
The Route Finder is completely based on the Free Map24 Ajax API of the Mapsolute GmbH (www.mapsolute.com). Define your location in free form (as city only or city/street, or city/street/house nr.) and incorporate the Route Finder into your web page as iframe or as stand alone new window.
Platform(s): Linux, Windows Date: Jun, 07 2006
Amount: 168
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