NLREG performs nonlinear regression and curve fitting. NLREG fits a mathematical function whose form you specify to a set of data values. Virtually any type of function can be fitted.
Units conversions for scientist and engineers, 33 categories, enter individual parts to calculate compound units, built-in scientific calculator, import and export to and from clipboard, save and recall common conversions, lookup unknown units
DHex is a software tool that is made to demonstrate the chemical design calculations of Double pipe (hairpin) Heat Exchangers.The software will do all the thermal calculations involved in the design and will generate a summary of all results..etc
The perfect add-on for any spreadsheet. Clarity provides 14 powerful but easy to use analytical tools for anyone using a spreadsheet. Simply copy the data and click “Capture Data” in Clarity to begin your analysis.
MATruss performs static strength analysis of a structure made up by truss elements.
A thoroughly tested and reliable solver analyses the truss model and produces the data needed for design.
Defines how to cut rectangular pieces from glass, metal, plastic, drywall or veneer sheets with minimal waste of material. Instantly generates and displays complex layouts and cutting instructions right at your worksite.
Complete software package for Multivariate Data Analysis and Experimental Design. The Unscrambler`s Principal Components Analysis (PCA), Partial Least Squares Regression (PLSR) analysis and three-way PLS regression capabilities are unparalleled.