LetterMerger is an add-in for Microsoft Access that allows you to merge your data with single page block letter templates that your users can create and modify.
MacroRunner is a powerful Excel add-in that enables users to easily automate the process of running Excel macros. You can have macros run in response to workbook or worksheet related events or as a part of a user defined function.
Compress your PowerPoint files in 2 single steps. No more hassle sending those big presentations to your customers. No need for receiver to run additional software to view the compressed files. PowerShrink leaves all PowerPoint functionality intact.
Search and replace text in many Microsoft Powerpoint presentations without having to open them. This program will make your universal changes in seconds. You must have Powerpoint installed on your machine.
Compare 2 separate blocks of Excel cells and find differences between them. Comparison results explain which cells were changed and which rows have been added or deleted. There is a feature for finding matches between two blocks of cells.
seamlessly integrates with Microsoft® Outlook® and enables you to send SMS text messages to mobile phones across the world from your PC using Microsoft® Outlook®.
Have you ever been in situation that you need to change text, header, footer, comments, OLE object links, hyperlinks or even more in thousands of files and you had to open each file manually to make changes? With ReplaceMagic that is very simple.
Add WOW to your PowerPoint presentations! Perspector includes an instant library of 3D slides that you can easily edit, so you won't be stuck for ideas. Integration within PowerPoint means that great 3D effects are always at your fingertips.
With some few mouse clicks pdf-FieldMerge allows to fill in existing PDF form fields automatically. PDFs may be processed singularly or en masse - automatically or manually with pre-selected data - without detour of Acrobat Reader