A nice analog clock to put on your desktop, now with customizable alarms!
Choose between twentyfive predefined skins, or create your own!
Clock! v2 will always stay on top of other windows, so you will never miss the time!
SysDate shows the day of the month in the system tray (next to the time). This lets you see the current date with just a glance, instead of hovering the mouse pointer over the time. Great timesaver for those who are in front of a computer all day!
View the time, day, and date in different skins in the Windows system tray clock. Clock Tray Skins is the advanced replacement for standard Windows tray clock. Over 50 skins are included in the distribution.
It's also an atomic-time synchronizer.
In the era of robotic Mars explorations, humans prefer more human-oriented devices on Earth! Analog Clock is an analog, skinnable, Windows tray clock replacement.
Use this application to create multiple virtual sticky notes that you can drag and drop on your PC. Create todo lists or little reminders in seconds. You can set an alarm on notes to help remind you of important events.
IsOnPost helps you organize and remind you of various events and happenings. It enables you to create neat calendar windows where you can post your work notes, things to do, ideas or any event you wish to remember.
A skinnable analog clock, transparent in Windows 2000/XP/95/98/Me. It can automatically disappear when the mouse cursor moves over it. Synchronize time with atomic clock/LAN and has advanced alarm scheduler and handy calendar.