TrayIcon Pro lets you quickly run your favorite applications and folders directly from the system tray and add icons for these applications and folders to the tray itself, or into menus that sit behind icons in the tray.
Add this fully customizable and animated Apple-Style-Launchbar to your desktop. getStarted!XP is a powerful replacement for the Startmenu, the Quicklaunchbar and the Office-Shortcutbar.
Have you ever wondered how to group your favorite programs and run them all - with just one click?
RunClik is an application launcher that lets you quickly open more than one program by simply choosing a program group from the system tray. Easy!
Quickly and easily create professional AutoRuns for your CD/DVDs. Create AutoRuns that run quietly in the background or graphical AutoRuns. Features include: launching files; installing software; splash screen; powerful wizards and more.
Mr. 'Q' of the application launchers. Unlimitted hotkeys and tray icons for each entry. Open programs, documents, websites, and special system folders like StartUp or SendTo, even registry keys, and has many more unrelated commands.
Extends Windows XP/Vista Fast User Switching by providing a task switching like hot key of the installer's choice. This hot key allows direct switching (ie not via the XP/Vista welcome screen) and supports password saving and automatic logon.
MouseGenie offers a new intuitive way to open your favorite programs, documents and folders by drawing imaginary shapes on the screen with your mouse arrow.
DE Launcher is a desktop utility that provides an alternative method of launching your favorite applications, documents and URLs and starting common Windows tasks. It's easier to use than Windows Start menu.