Make your web site neat and well-organized with Deluxe Java Script Menu! Deluxe Menu is a versatile, ready-made solution that allows professional and amateur web developers to create superior navigation systems for their websites and web applications.
Free Trial
Platform(s): Linux, Windows, FreeBSD, Mac OSX, Sun Solaris
Ace Operator enables live interactions between company representatives and customers from the company web site. It allows customers to contact live agents at the click of the button, engage in interactive conversation and exchange information using multi-media content. It also allows companies to monitor visitors to their web site and initiate a conversation. It is an excellent tool for low-cost pre-sales support and any kind of customer services over the web. And, best of all, it is one of the most affordable solutions around.
Ace Operator has excellent support for running it in a hosted environment. ASPs, ISPs and web hosting companies can host Ace Operators for their clients to create an additional source of revenue.
With AnswerChat you can track and chat with the visitors to your website(s). See who is on your site(s) and see what search engine and search term they used to find your site. Chat with your site's visitors and turn them into customers. AnswerChat is the low-cost customer service solution. No plug-ins or add-on software are required
for visitors to your site(s). All they need a browser with java enabled. The fully functional free 30 day trial version available.
Bocazas Live Support allows you to communicate with your web site visitors providing instant support. You can monitor your visits and know where on your website they are at any moment. By Interacting with them, you boost your revenues and build customer loyalty. The program allows you to send images or files, navigate with the customer and send html rich content. You will be able to guide the customer through the site and close a deal before he decides to close the browser. It will provide you with the necesary competitive advantage.
chatFUSE is a live web-based chat software using php/MySQL and can be configured with any spoken language. With chatFUSE you can chat one on one with any visitor on your website or they can initate a chat with you. An easy to use interface allows you to manage multiple chats at one-time. chatFUSE also integrates with digiSHOP Shopping Cart Software to allow to see which customers are in the process of shopping/ordering on your site and you can view the shopper's shopping cart contents at any time. The administrator can restrict IP addresses, manage departments, operator ratings, detail reports and more.
Customer service software that interfaces with for live support and chat with your customers, with an easy to install and use interface. Features: Instant proactive communication with your visitors, Remote Browser Control (Web Page Redirection), Easily Customizable interface and greeting/Away messages, Chat Buttons on site and emails, Compatible with any web sites, and Works on "shared" Web hosting service.
COMMUNICATE - Brings life to your WEB SITE
AquaSoft LTD. has developed a unique "no download" software product that recognizes ALL the users visiting a website and enables full communication between webmaster and surfers and among the surfers themselves.AquaSoft LTD has named the software 'Communicate'.
Communicate is designed to create virtual communities around a portal, bringing together surfers with shared interests and generating loyalty to the site.
Communicate comprises several applications such as: Customer Relationship Management (CRM), E-commerce, possibility to adapt the program's design to the site's character, cellular, creating site loyalty and support for content push.
Add your own services and prices.You can add your merchant account for billing profile and paypal automated billing system. you can mail out invoice paid confirmation. You can have your clients upload files to your appliance for safe and convenient retrieval from anywhere is the world. No more file diving! private message to your client and the client can send private messages to you. you will store your clients credit card numbers in an encrypted folder where they can be stored for billing monthly, Quarterly, Every 6 Months, Yearly. Whatever you set up in your clients profile. Assign client as many services as they have with you. Access your client from anywhere with this web based web site software. All the components yo need to organize your business on line. Access all your clients and all there info on one panel. On your web site.
We offer all professional freelancers� customize scripts, template, banner, logo, shopping cart, graphic design, website (in HTML, PHP, C, C++, Java, ASP, ASP.NET, C#, javascript, xhtml, css etc.)�. You just need to post all your requirements as a project to us. Our 300+ freelancers will bid and do it for you.
Freelancers want to bid a project are welcome to join.
Joining and bidding are FREE is an e-CRM solution, that allows you to provide customer/visitor support, online and in real time. Integration only requires a unique HTML line of code. Try the free version (fully functioning) and increase customer satisfaction along with sales.
Breathe some life into your digital world with Flash Livehelp and watch your sales soar. What makes our system unique is that in addition to the Livehelp Administrator you will receive a flash web client(swf) which you can post on your web site and/or web auctions PLUS a flash desktop client(exe) which can be distributed to customers, clients, family
and friends via CD, download or email. Setup in minutes, no monthly fees. Requires 1 MySQL database and PHP. Try the web client now at