Make professional DHTML and Java Script Menus in minutes with Deluxe Menu! Features: Cross-frame support. Visible over select boxes, iframes, flash, Java applets. Multiple menus on the same page. Friendly to other scripts and css styles. Any HTML code can be used within menu items.
Free Trial
Platform(s): Linux, Windows, FreeBSD, Mac OSX, Sun Solaris
HotHTML 2001 is a free html editor catered for all types of web developers with an intuitive and user-friendly interface and helpful wizards, integrated previewing & tools for those migrating from WYSIWYG editors to the real world of web development. Supports HTML, ASP and Perl languages.
Exif2htm is a powerful tool allowing you to generate nice and fully customizable HTML tables and webalbums using EXIF metadata taken from JPEG and TIFF files. This information includes date and time when the photo was taken, aperture value, shutter speed, ISO, flash state, focal length and other camera settings. Exif2htm is also capable of generating simple TEXT files and comma-separated CSV files, which are compatible with Microsoft Excel.
This is a file browser with a replacer, a renamer, a finder, a change-attributes function and a batch replacer. The batch replacer is a multi-string search-and-replace filter. It can find strings in files and replace them with whatever text you specify. Both text and binary files can be processed by the program.
Protect your hard work on the web (text, links, graphics, HTML) from being stolen by cyber-thieves. Disable right mouse clicks, text selection, page printing, offline use, links display, etc. Protector works with all JavaScript compatible browsers. The look of your web page will not change after the protection.
Finding the desired digital images within thousands of files may become a real headache! AlbumWeb Pro allows you to create great looking photo albums and interactive slideshows with just a couple of clicks. The photo albums can be viewed with your favorite browser or posted on the web! You can easily create standalone and compressed photo albums that can be e-mailed to your friends and relatives right from the program. Download FREE trial now!
There are a lot of HTML tutorials out there, but this one gets straight to the point and explains how to use HTML for beginners to build their own website.
Create advanced meta tag set with our meta tag generator. Have our software rebranded with your name, link and info.
End User Features.
Title tag
Site description
Copyright details
Allow search engine index
Allow search engines to follow links
Search engine return
Rebranded Features.
Promotes you, Not someone else.
Your own branded product(s).
Links back to you not someone else.
Your logo, Website or company name.*
your message.
Yours to sell or give away.
Sell resell rights to others.
Use to get new newsletter subscribers.
Use as promotional giveaway.
It's your software.*
With SiteXpert you can create a professional navigation scheme (e.g. DHTML drop down menu, site map tree, portal interface, site index) within a few minutes. No JavaScript knowledge is required. All you need to do is pick a base URL and let the program crawl through your website. SiteXpert can build 10 different navigation system types and comes with hundreds of graphical schemes.Menus and site maps can be easily inserted into existing web pages.
Professional Notepad is a advanced tool that allows you view and edit HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP, PERL, SQL, Delphi, C++ and other languages source code.
It is a powerful editor supporting the features you've always dreamt about, such as syntax highlighting, Code Templates, bookmarks, unlimited text size, URL highlighting, line numbers, powerful search and replace, multiple undo/redo, Drag&Drop, color printing, etc.
Don't you hate those webpages that try to prevent you from viewing their source code or saving images by disabling Right-Click? Now you can view the source of any webpage, as well as save any image from a webpage, using this source browser software!