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What is XML Sapiens?

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The number of commercial CMSs is diligently growing up. Many of open standards have been approved lately. They allow to structure information within sites, separate it from design, but the most of CMSs still don’t follow them. The XSLT standard exists for quite a long time. It allows to form documents from different sources: XML-files with structured document contents and an XSL-template with the description how the document will be presented at the site. Besides, document forming can be performed at the client side. Well, XSLT is a perfect solution in conception, but practically it is used quite rarely within CMSs. Why? Maybe we need new solutions, which include features of the open standards and are easy to use. One of those solutions can be XML Sapiens markup language. So, what is XML Sapiens?
Platform(s): n/a Date: Dec, 07 2006
Hits: 3469

Tips and Tricks to Learn VoiceXML

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There are a number of tips and tricks you can utilize in order to learn VoiceXML. Perhaps one of the most important factors in learning this system is usability testing. Before you start any project, it is something you will want to utilize. If you are not familiar with the concept of usability testing, you will want to make it a fundamental part of your VoiceXML lessons
Platform(s): Windows Date: Nov, 20 2006
Hits: 2764

What are Newsfeeds?

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RSS and Atom are XML formats for messages and other information that is updated frequently. The documents that are written in these formats are called "newfeeds" or "feeds". Get an overview about scenarios, softwares, requirements, syntax and more.
Platform(s): Linux, Windows Date: Dec, 16 2005
Hits: 700

Data, its presentation and user interface forms

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To deliver information to a user a site is needed. Web site content should be managed and that involves separation data from its presentation. The task is still often solved with the help of templates in program technologies. Though now we have XSLT technology at our disposal. Any document can be represented with data that is structured in detail with the help of XSL. It is quite enough to report the corresponding XSL template to define a proper graphic presentation for the data. XSL language is polymorphous and permits high flexibility in format changes of documents. This might seem to be St.Grail of web development - we add XSL tools to our arsenal and shorten the time of the project development thus raising its quality. But perhaps we lost sight of a significant something. Read this article about it
Platform(s): Linux, Windows, Mac OSX, Sun Solaris Date: Mar, 01 2005
Hits: 1354

XML Sapiens - the power to set your site alive!

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Have you ever looked for an Open Source CMS for your site? We are sure that you definitely have faced some problems while developing functional models. Maybe you even had to turn down some nice ideas about interface and content. Most likely you thought "It would be cool if there were a macro language to describe my site interfaces without any limitations to predefined stamps". This article introduces XML Sapiens - a tool to turn your ideas into life, giving you the power to set your site alive!
Platform(s): Windows Date: Nov, 10 2004
Hits: 1010

The Pros and Cons of XML

Rating 5.0 5.0
A lot has been written, said, and discussed about the Extensible Markup Language (XML). As a result, there is a lot of confusion and chaos regarding exactly what XML means. Is it a language, document, modeling tool, e-Business application, or none of the above? What exactly does XML have to offer? Why does it matter? Furthermore, what does XML bring to the table that other languages, documents, tools, and applications have not been able to do in myriad other ways?
Platform(s): n/a Date: May, 14 2003
Hits: 1232

Why XML Schema beats DTDs hands-down for data

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This article explains why XML Schema beats DTDs hands-down for data. It looks at four features of XML Schema that are particularly suited to data representation, and shows some examples of each. Code samples include XSD schemas and schema fragments.
Platform(s): n/a Date: Jan, 21 2002
Hits: 571

Is Web services the reincarnation of CORBA?

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Even during these early stages of the evangelism of Web services, customers have already begun to ask how this technology differs from CORBA. Isn’t it just another form of distributed computing? In this installment of the Web services architect, Dan Gisolfi offers a brief overview of the differences between SOAP, DCOM, and CORBA and suggests a value proposition for Web services within the distributed computing realm.
Platform(s): n/a Date: Sep, 25 2001
Hits: 435

How the IBM Web Services Compares with Microsoft Visual Studio .NET

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This article provides a high-level overview of both development environments and tools in the IBM Web Services Development Environment and Toolkit and in Microsoft Visual Studio® .NET.
Platform(s): n/a Date: Apr, 16 2001
Hits: 624

Web services insider, part 1: Reflections on SOAP

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What is the current state of the "Web services revolution?" This first installment of the "Web services insider series" will answer this question by reviewing the tools and technologies that have emerged over the past year, highlighting their differences and similarities.
Platform(s): n/a Date: Apr, 04 2001
Amount: 11
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