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Amount: 26
Displaying: 21 - 26
Pages: << 1 2 [3]
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Hits: 1730

XHTML 1.0 Tutorials - Understanding Forms and Input Fields

Rating 5.0 5.0
A collection of 25 FAQs/tutorials tips on XHTML forms and input fields. Clear answers are provided with tutorial exercises on forms and input fields: form elements and submission methods; input elements and input types like text, password, radio, checkbox, hidden, submit, file, image, button; dropdown lists and text areas; multiple forms.
Platform(s): Linux, Windows, FreeBSD, Mac OSX, Sun Solaris Date: Nov, 20 2006
Hits: 2459

XHTML 1.0 Tutorials - Understanding In-line Elements and Tags

Rating 5.0 5.0
A collection of 11 FAQs/tutorials tips on XHTML inline elements and tags. Clear answers are provided with tutorial exercises on inline elements like: strong, em, code, sub, sup, del, ins, big, small, br, script.
Platform(s): Windows Date: Dec, 15 2006
Hits: 2336

XHTML Tutorials - Introduction To Tag and Attribute Syntax

Rating 0.0 0.0
A collection of 16 tutorial tips on XHTML 1.0 element tag and attribute syntax. Clear answers are provided with tutorial exercises on XHTML elements, opening and closing tags, element attributes, quoting attribute values, required attribute and values, case sensitivity, entering comments, protecting ampersand sign.
Platform(s): Linux, Windows Date: Dec, 26 2006
Hits: 301

XML - Editors, Tutorials, Training, Database, XML Tools

Rating 0.0 0.0
One stop for XML, XML editors, XML tutorials, XML formats, define XML, XML Training, XML Databases, XML Tools, XML writers, learn XML, XML spy, XML Schema, Voice XML, XML Parsers.
Platform(s): n/a Date: Apr, 15 2004
Hits: 166

XML DOM: Inserting, Modifying and Deleting elements using VBScript

Rating 0.0 0.0
This snippet demonstrates the all too common functionality of adding, modifying and deleting elements in an xml document. The demo page (see below) displays the xml before and after the actions.
Platform(s): Date: Nov, 30 -1
Hits: 489

XSLT Basics

Rating 0.0 0.0
A Sample Chapter from "Professional XSL". This chapter will provide you with enough information to start building useful XSLT stylesheets. I will introduce a number of the elements that make up the language, providing examples of their use. We will also look at a few of the functions built into the language and see how XSLT manages namespaces, whitespace and some other important issues.
Platform(s): n/a Date: Sep, 23 2002
Amount: 26
Displaying: 21 - 26
Pages: << 1 2 [3]