As a continuation of the earlier section where we have seen alert box, we will see in section briefly about confirm box and prompt box.The confirm box is one that pops up with two buttons namely OK and Cancel. This box namely Confirm box is used to verify from the user for acceptance. If the user accepts then the user presses the Ok button and there by the confirm box returns with a value true and if the user rejects then the user presses the cancel button and there by the confirm box returns false value.
There are many scripts out there that provide customized pop ups for your pages. Rather than trying to supply a one size fits all script this article demonstrates how you can easily write your own popups, giving you complete control over what you show your users.
Simple URL redirection made using JavaScript and the window.location() function. Also provided an example how to make URL redirection with time delay, using the setTimeout() function in Java Script.
Tutorial and sample codes to calculate the distance between two locations. Free sample source codes in PHP, ASP, ColdFusion, C/C++, C#, Java, Perl, Visual Basic and Javascript. Longitude and latitude for United States ZIP Code and Canadian Postal Code are available in database subscription.