Use the Dreamweaver behaviors panel to create small pop-up windows. This behavior helps to create pop-up ads, small browser windows etc. If you don't have Dreamweaver we have provided the code that you can cut 'n' paste and use in your web page.
This code snippet lets you hide the error message which appears when there occurs a Javascript error in your pages. The script will still not function but the visitor will not see the error message. Written in French.
An introduction to Object Oriented Programming in Javascript. This example creates a small user control that can be used repeatedly and independantly on the same web page.
Creating a simple "set to homepage" link.
The dhtml script that sets the homepage only works for IE. It calls the following function, "this.setHomePage('')" see webpage for more details.
Creating a simple 'add to favorites' link.
This is a client side request, that asks the browser to put the link in the 'favorites' folder. Each browser may respond differently to this request, IE will pop open a window asking the user if they wish to add to their favorites.
Use the Dreamweaver behaviors panel to create jump menus, swap images, pop-up windows, play sound, validate forms and more. Add interactivity to your site with Dreamweaver behaviors.