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Deluxe Menu, Deluxe Tree, Deluxe Tabs

Hot! Deluxe Menus: Dynamic Drop Down Menus, DHTML TreeView, DHTML Tabbed Menus

{#rating#} 5.0 5.0
Make superior drop down menus for your web site with Deluxe Menu! Features: Full cross-browser compatible. Search engine friendly. Cross-frame support. Visible over select boxes, iframes, flash animation, Java applets. Visual interface for easy setup. A lot of pre-designed templates in Vista, XP, Win98, Ms Office, Linux, MacOs styles. Hundreds of visual effects. Scrollable, dragable, floating, and context menus. Keyboard navigation. JavaScript API for changing menu "on-the-fly". Free for Non-Profit Websites!
Free Trial Platform(s): Linux, Windows, FreeBSD, Mac OSX, Sun Solaris Date: Nov, 01 2006
Amount: 58
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Hits: 770

Learning eZ publish : Building content management solutions

Rating 0.0 0.0
This book takes you through the process of designing and building content-rich web sites and applications using eZ publish. Famed for its power and flexibility, eZ publish can be daunting on first approach. Moreover, it has advanced features that reward the investment in learning. This book exists to ease experienced PHP developers into thinking and developing the eZ publish way. With hard-won experience of the practical difficulties faced by developers working with eZ publish, and technical approval from eZ systems (creators of eZ publish) this book is a distillation of the authors� expertise, and the perfect way to master the system. Although there is good quality reference documentation on eZ publish, there are currently no books available. Therefore, this book has been written from the ground up, in a tutorial/case study style to fill this gap. This book is for Web developers new to eZ publish, while experienced developers of eZ publish who want to consolidate their knowledge will learn new techniques from eZ publish masters. It has also been designed for those new to eZ publish while also being aimed at experienced developers who want to consolidate their knowledge and learn new tricks from eZ publish masters.
Platform(s): n/a Date: Jul, 08 2005
Hits: 1347

Building Online Communities with phpBB

Rating 0.0 0.0
This book gives you the power to use phpBB to set up and run your own online discussion forums with ease, and develop your own Internet community. It takes you through the whole process of setting up your phpBB site, and helps you create, customize and manage your own online community with phpBB. Written by experienced phpBB administrators and enthusiasts, the emphasis is on simple, and practical guidance for you to get the most from phpBB. phpBB is a free, open source Internet community application, with outstanding discussion forums and membership management. Written in the PHP scripting language, and making use of the popular MySQL database, phpBB is a standard among web hosting companies throughout the world, and is one of the most widely-used bulletin board packages in the world. phpBB short-circuits the need for you to be a web development master in order to create and manage massive online communities. phpBB handles sites of all sizes, the largest known phpBB-powered site on the Internet handles over 1.5 million members and has 191 million posts to the forums! The book begins with the initial installation and configuration of phpBB on your system, with troubleshooting tips to help you through. You will then go on a tour of phpBB and its features, stepping you through the basic tasks, growing your understanding and familiarizing you with the power of phpBB. Everybody wants their community to look special, and customizing your forum is the next stop in the book. Beginning with a detailed rundown of styles and themes, you will then see how to customize your forum by first modifying existing styles, adding new elements, and even creating a new style from scratch. The book then goes onto cover further administration of your community, creating hacks or "modifications" for phpBB, custom PHP programming with phpBB, and reference appendices with more phpBB resources, the phpBB file and directory structure, guides to the BBCode and permission systems, and the phpBB database structure round off this book.
Platform(s): n/a Date: Mar, 11 2005
Hits: 675

Php tutorial for Indonesian

Rating 0.0 0.0
Php tutorial for Indonesian or Malay language. This book is easy to use, with step by step method. It's complete with a few case, like how to make guestbook, news, etc. Also how to make connected to MySQL database.
Platform(s): Linux, Windows Date: Feb, 12 2005
Hits: 876

How to Setup a PHP-MySQL Database on Your Website

Rating 0.0 0.0
You've downloaded a new PHP program to install on your website, but it requires a MySQL database be setup, in order to run. Now what? That's what you're here to learn. And the fact is -- it's easy. This little ebook quickly guides you through the instructions needed to setup your MySQL database. Also included are instructions on how to use FTP, how to determine if your website supports PHP and MySQL, and a quick introduction to PHPMyAdmin.
Platform(s): Windows Date: Dec, 21 2004
Hits: 904

Mastering phpMyAdmin for Effective MySQL Management

Rating 0.0 0.0
Whether you are an experienced developer, system administrator, web designer or new to MySQL and phpMyAdmin, this book will show you how to increase your productivity and control when working with your databases. You will learn how to: � Administer MySQL users and privileges, and get statistics about MySQL servers and databases � Manage databases, table data and structures, and indexes � Use bookmarks and metadata � Generate multiple SQL queries � Generate better documentation of evolving table structures Along the way you�ll build a more detailed understanding of SQL and how it works in MySQL. As an application developer you�ll learn how to use phpMyAdmin to: � Effectively perform day-to-day database and table management. � Create better database tables and relational structures � More easily document your evolving data structure As a MySQL server administrator, you�ll benefit from the in-depth and practical coverage of: � Using phpMyAdmin to manage users and privileges � Getting server and database statistics All database users will expand and refine their knowledge of SQL in a MySQL context through using phpMyAdmin to track SQL execution and results. This book has now been updated to cover v2.6.0
Platform(s): n/a Date: Dec, 08 2004
Hits: 816

The PHP Anthology: 100+ Practical Solutions

Rating 0.0 0.0
Learn to build fast, secure and reliable PHP applications using professional development techniques: Prevent SQL injection attacks, send & Parse HTML email, filter user-submitted content, write professional error-handling routines, cache pages for faster access, Create your own RSS feeds, produce charts & graphs, create search-friendly URLs, and 92 other practical pplications... PHP 5 Ready!
Platform(s): n/a Date: Aug, 25 2004
Hits: 328

Build Your Own Database-Driven Website Using PHP & MySQL, 2nd Ed

Rating 0.0 0.0
Build Your Own Database Driven Website Using PHP & MySQL is a hands-on guide to learning all the tools, principles and techniques needed to build a fully functional database-driven Website using PHP & MySQL. This book covers everything from installing PHP & MySQL under Windows, Mac or Linux, through to building a live Web-based content management system. This book not only provides easy access to all the code samples demonstrated, but, more importantly, it leaves you with the confidence and know-how to adapt the principles and techniques to your own Web design projects.
Platform(s): n/a Date: Mar, 05 2004
Hits: 273

Beginning PHP, Apache, MySQL Web Development

Rating 0.0 0.0
This book will guide you through creating your own sites using the open source AMP model. You�ll learn to install PHP, Apache, and MySQL. Then you�ll create PHP Web pages, including database management and security. Finally, you�ll discover how to integrate your work with e-commerce and other technologies. By building different types of Web sites, you will progress from setting up simple database tables to tapping the full potential of PHP, Apache, and MySQL.
Platform(s): n/a Date: Feb, 21 2004
Hits: 424

SAMS Teach Yourself PHP4 in 24 Hours

Rating 0.0 0.0
Consisting of 24 one-hour lessons, Sams Teach Yourself PHP4 in 24 Hours is divided into five sections that guide you through the language from the basics to the advanced functions. The first section of the book teaches the fundamentals of PHP. Building upon what has been taught in the first section, sections two through four show you how to apply that knowledge in order to interact with the user by creating and managing forms, cookies and authentication. It also teaches how to access databases and how to integrate system components, e-mail, LDAP, network sockets and much more. The final section of the book covers advanced functionality including how to debug and optimize scripts, maintain script security, and extend PHP with API.
Platform(s): n/a Date: Aug, 27 2003
Hits: 311

Professional PHP4 Databases

Rating 0.0 0.0
This book assumes that the reader has read Beginning PHP 4 and he does not have much of a clue about databases (almost Zero Database Quotient). So this book should be able to teach the reader how to build robust database driven PHP web applications. Further, this book is kind of a 'getting-the reader-ready' for PHP5 which will have strong OO and PEAR DB focus. So we teach the Beginning PHP DB developer the best practices to be adopted when getting into active development. After reading the book, developers will be fluent in database systems and how to take advantage of them in PHP applications.
Platform(s): n/a Date: Feb, 21 2003
Amount: 58
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