Make professional DHTML/Java Script Menus for your web site with Deluxe Menu! Create a cross-browser, search engine friendly, fast-loading web interface of any desired complexity and appearance. You don't need any in-depth knowledge of HTML or Javascript to develop web menus with Deluxe Menu. By simply changing a menu parameter file, you can create any navigation system in minutes. Deluxe Menu comes with an easy-to-use GUI wizard that allows you to generate and test the menu in just a few mouse clicks.
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Platform(s): Linux, Windows, FreeBSD, Mac OSX, Sun Solaris
All-in-one--A nuts-and-bolts programming toolkit for anyone building dynamic web applications in the Unix environment. It gathers together the most comprehensive set of tools and shareware utilities on the CD, and packages them with a comprehensive tips and techniques reference book. Complete CD-ROM--Includes all the documentation to support the products, all the code in the book, PHP extension modules, sample applications and a C compiler used to compile PHP code. CD includes: Red Hat Linux 5.x operating system; MySQL database engine; PHP programming language; code listings and sample applications; comprehensive resource list; all software documentation.
PHP 5 for Beginners is an electronic book perfect for those with no or little PHP experience and want to learn PHP programming from the beginning. This book will gently introduce you to PHP 5 step by step, touching on basic PHP operations and common language meanings. Packed with practical exercises for easy learning along the way!
PHP 5 for Beginners is aimed at both the interested, intelligent, but not necessarily technical individual as well as at programmers familiar with another language who want to learn PHP. This books advanced search engine makes finding any topic fast and easy!
The fusion of Eclipse, the leading open source development environment, and PHP is an exciting prospect for web developers. This book makes sure that you are up and running as quickly as possible, ready to take full advantage of PHPEclipse's tuned PHP development tools, without requiring any prior knowledge of Eclipse.
You will begin with installing and configuring PHPEclipse, before moving onto a tour of the Eclipse environment, familiarizing you with its main components. As a plug-in to Eclipse, PHPEclipse is able to harness the platform to provide a rich and powerful development experience.
This book covers middle-tier programming with PHP. It features: Real world, practical experience and techniques; From installation and configuration of the PHP3 engine to advanced dynamic application design; Definitive coverage of core PHP language and database addressing (Oracle/Sybase/Informix/MySQL are all covered in depth); Practical e-commerce and business scripting including database application development, together with PHP and XML applications; LDAP, NDS and IP connectivity issues exhaustively addressed; and Using PHPLIB to construct flexible, robust and secure interactive sites.
Web Services is a new paradigm that has evolved with time. With successful demonstration of proof of concept, Web Services are gradually moving towards occupying an important space in enterprise computing. In this book, we will discuss the consumption, development and deployment, description, discovery and security of Web Services in conjunction with the PHP programming model for Web services. This book discusses what Web Services are, how are they important in enterprise computing today and the various standards and programming models to building Web Services using PHP.
This book assumes that the reader has read Beginning PHP 4 and he does not have much of a clue about databases (almost Zero Database Quotient). So this book should be able to teach the reader how to build robust database driven PHP web applications. Further, this book is kind of a 'getting-the reader-ready' for PHP5 which will have strong OO and PEAR DB focus. So we teach the Beginning PHP DB developer the best practices to be adopted when getting into active development. After reading the book, developers will be fluent in database systems and how to take advantage of them in PHP applications.
Professional PHP4 will show you exactly how to create state of the art web applications that scale well, utilize databases optimally, and connect to a back-end network using a multi-tiered approach. This book also aims at teaching PHP by coding FTP clients, e-mail clients, some advanced data structures, session management, and secure programming. Topics covered: The whys and wherefores of PHP4; PHP installation on *nix, Windows, and MacOS X; Sessions and cookies, coding FTP clients, network-related function calls, and directory services; PHP support for LDAP; Multi-tiered development using PHP; PHP's interaction with XML; PHP with MySQL; PHP with PostgreSQL and ODBC; Securing, optimizing, and internationalizing PHP applications; PHP extension libraries; A real world employee directory, an online library application, and a GTK interface to the application; Case studies on a user privilege system and a multi-tiered WML-based shopping cart.
The true power of PHP lies in its strength to create dynamic web content. Developers have moved on from using the newbie style of PHP books, to making PHP work for them by using the theoretical offerings to create small to medium websites. This transition has created a definite information void, and through the Professional PHP4 Web Development Solutions book we hope to exactly fill that space - by helping you create a variety of real world, interactive web sites using PHP4 along with HTML, a DBMS system (MySQL), PEAR::DB, and XML or WML wherever applicable.
This book is a tutorial, a resource and a reference for PHP programmers who need to process XML data or interface different systems using XML. Non PHP programmers who need to construct a web based frontend for an application using XML can learn how to do it using PHP, since the book also covers the basic foundations of PHP programming. Advanced PHP programmers experienced in XML will obtain a reference as well as a very deep coverage on advanced topics.
Consisting of 24 one-hour lessons, Sams Teach Yourself PHP4 in 24 Hours is divided into five sections that guide you through the language from the basics to the advanced functions. The first section of the book teaches the fundamentals of PHP. Building upon what has been taught in the first section, sections two through four show you how to apply that knowledge in order to interact with the user by creating and managing forms, cookies and authentication. It also teaches how to access databases and how to integrate system components, e-mail, LDAP, network sockets and much more. The final section of the book covers advanced functionality including how to debug and optimize scripts, maintain script security, and extend PHP with API.