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Amount: 114
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Hits: 1691

Dictionary of HTML META Tags

Rating 0.0 0.0
Metatags are a way for you to define your web page and web site to the outside world. You can declare the title, keywords and description, which help your placement in search engines. In addition, you can specify who owns the copyright, how often the page is to be visited by search engines and many other useful pieces of information.
Platform(s): Linux, Windows, FreeBSD, Mac OSX Date: Jun, 11 2006
Hits: 1606

Specifying how many columns per row when extractng from mysql

Rating 0.0 0.0
This is a simple tutorial that shows you how to make information or images(in this case buttons) display in a specific number columns per row when extracted from a mySQL database using a query, using a specific algorithem and loop.
Platform(s): Linux, Windows, FreeBSD, Mac OSX, Sun Solaris Date: Nov, 30 2006
Hits: 1319

Passing JavaScript variables to PHP

Rating 2.5 2.5
JavaScript is mainly used as a client side scripting language, while PHP is a server side technology. Unlike Java or ASP.Net, PHP doesn't have tools to make it work client side. That is why you need to combine JavaScript and PHP scripts to develop powerful web-applications.
Platform(s): Windows Date: Sep, 28 2006
Hits: 1283

Regular Expression

Rating 0.0 0.0
This demo shows how to use the regular expression support in PHP. These functions allow you to perform regular expression operations on strings. The regular expression language used is compatible with the extended regular expression syntax as specified in the egrep man page on most Unix systems.
Platform(s): n/a Date: Dec, 26 1999
Hits: 1262

[REQUESTED] Split all characters in a string

Rating 0.0 0.0
Shows you how to split all characters from a string. Example: String = "blah"; echo this: b l a h
Platform(s): Linux, Windows Date: Oct, 08 2004
Hits: 1250

PHP password generation

Rating 3.0 3.0
Modern web-applications often provide (during registration, or password-reset) random-generated passwords for its users. However these passwords (usually a random combination of letters or numbers) are quite hard to remember: in fact, it's even impossible to read them. This article provides a function for generating English-like readable passwords.
Platform(s): Linux, Windows, FreeBSD, Mac OSX, Sun Solaris Date: Dec, 24 2006
Hits: 1185

A quick tutorial in .htaccess

Rating 5.0 5.0
Apache's .htaccess allows a wide range of useful web server behaviours to be implemented, the most popular of which are provision of custom error pages, and password protection of directories. This tutorial gives a brief lesson in how to implement these two useful types of service.
Platform(s): Windows Date: Sep, 29 2005
Hits: 1154

The Difference Between require() and include()

Rating 0.0 0.0
Did you know that require() and include() work differently? Both are used for including code in another file into your program, but there is a crucial difference in how they operate when that file cannot be read which any PHP programmer needs to know about. There's also a slight difference with require() between new and older versions of PHP which this tutorial discusses too.
Platform(s): Linux, Windows, FreeBSD, Mac OSX, Sun Solaris Date: Dec, 10 2006
Hits: 1112

How to install phpLD2 (php Link Directory) the free version

Rating 1.0 1.0
In this tutorial we'll learn how to install phpLD (pho Link Directory), the free version, from downloading the script to the last settings to make it work.
Platform(s): Windows Date: Jan, 07 2007
Hits: 1038

Create Your Own BBCode

Rating 4.0 4.0
Learn how to parse bulletin board code to translate it into HTML. This tutorial will provide the code to convert the [img], [url], [b], & [code] tags.
Platform(s): Windows Date: Jul, 19 2005
Amount: 114
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