Make all your webpages search engine friendly by converting them to *.htm files. (Requires mod_rewrite on your server.) Touches upon regular expressions.
Platform(s): Linux, Windows, FreeBSD, Mac OSX, Sun Solaris
This tutorial describes a PHP-Nuke Function to restrict access by page as public or private. The function pageStatus(); is called on the top (or inside your root level header, not the themes header) of all pages. This will allow you to deifne in your admin panel specifc pages and urls that you want to have a particular viewing status. It explains a few ways to go about defining which pages to have the "public" or "private" status. Also the code for the function is available.
PHP pages have a reputation of being more difficult (or at least different) to SEO than static HTML pages. Here’s an overview of the major issues encountered when trying to make PHP scripts rank well. While this focuses on PHP much of it is still relevant to dynamic pages in general.
This short tutorial will guide you through a hypothetical process of adding a movie rating system to a movie database site. Goes over the PHP code and MySQL queries.
Critical Information and about procurement Software and the Free GPL developemtn "e-procurement implementation". Procurement Software is critical to freeing companies from massive paper based purchasing.
Reference counting is one of the hottest new features in PHP 4. It reduces the memory consumption of your PHP applications, improves performance, and provides you with some sophisticated programming tools. To get the most out of this new PHP 4 feature, it's important to understand exactly how it works and how it differs from PHP 3. Topics include: Data values in PHP 3, What is reference counting, Advantages of reference counting, Reference counting in PHP 4, Aliasing: added language flexibility in PHP 4, and How will reference counting effect you?.
binarycloud is a platform for rapidly developing complex web applications. It includes basic services like authentication, permissions, a template engine, database abstraction etc., an extensive collection of libraries, and a framework for configuring the system and building your own logic. This tutorial step-by-step explains how to install it in details.
This tutorial will show you how to setup your own virtual based domain from home on your high speed connection. We'll introduce you to a couple of great services out there that allow you to setup your own website without the need to pay for web hosting. Keep in mind that this may impact your home internet connection depending on what type of internet connection you are using. The intent of this tutorial is to show you how to setup a development server that is accessible by the outside world.