Geesee is free chat for your website or blog. You don�t have to download or install anything, just put a few lines of code into your HTML code and you are done. Geesee allows visitors to your site to chat with a huge community of other users who are connected to Geesee from other sites. Geesee offers many chat rooms on different topics. Rooms can be searched by tags or easily created. User can join any chat room and start to chat right away without registration. You don't have to have many site visitors to have a functional chat on your website. Even if you have one visitor a day, he can be able to have fun chatting with others in Geesee network through Geesee on your site.
Geesee is easy to use, user-friendly, native, transparent and stable. High-quality chat service will add value to your site and will make your visitors return for more fun.
Platform(s): Windows
Date: Nov, 08 2006
Author: Roman Pohancenik,