Make your web site navigation clean and accessible with Deluxe Java Script Menus! Deluxe Menu is a versatile, ready-made solution that allows professional and amateur web developers to create superior dhtml navigation systems for their web sites and web applications. This Javascipt Menu/ DHTML Menu supports cross-frame mode, Google Sitemap, 60+ great visual effects, floating, drag-n-drop, flat, 3d, XP, Vista menu styles, relative and absolute positions, vertical and horizontal directions, animated icons and arrows, unlimited submenus, separators and more.
Free Trial
Platform(s): Linux, Windows, FreeBSD, Mac OSX, Sun Solaris
VisitorLog offers over 150 free detailed online traffic statistics and tools regarding your website's traffic. Keep up-to-date on visitor trend or see who is linking back and how often visitors return.
A hosted Hit Counter for small to midsize websites. Get stats by: Last 15 hits, total hits, unique hits, browsers, screen, referrers, URLs (pages), countries, ISP's, and more. Easy to setup and insert � just one line of code. Just display a small image (88 x 33 - 8 to choice from) on each page that you want stats for. Customize your account. Allow others to view your stats or privatize them.
The service offers no statistics, but a very smart textcounter, that is counting your visitors.
Very easy to setup. You can set up the value of the counter and the reloadblock. has included now a simply statistic.
Free-Counters offer free WebPage counters and statistics for your pages to keep track of all your visitors. There are a variety of different counters to choose from by using its unique colour wizard.
This unique counter service is designed to offer webmasters and website owners to track the visitors on their site. Because Counter is remotely hosted, there is no software for you to install or download. You simply paste a section of HTML code into each page you wish to track; after that, your counter will be instantly updated every time your page is loaded. Features include: Select font for your counter, Select font color and background color to match your site, Displays how many visitors are ONLINE on your site, Displays the top 10 hosts and browser types for visitors to your site, support for hidden counter, and more.
Custom Count lets you use your own graphics for the counter background and numbers. You can make the look od the counter anyway you want and make it fit the theme of your website. It tracks statistics including Browser, OS, AOL Version, and domain.
EasySiteStats (formerly MecaLog) offers high speed graphical and invisible logging counters. Logs include host/ip, referer, agent, time & date, resolution & color, online time, page impressions and top keywords. Easy account maintenance right at your fingertips. EastSiteStats is a totally free service.
GameCounter uses image styles based on a variety of video games, movies, television shows, anime, and related topics. There are over 200 image styles available. Other options include invisiblity, reload blocking, many background colors to choose from, transparency, not counting one's own visits, and some statistics recording.