Create superior drop down menus for your Website with Deluxe Menu! Features: Scrollable, dragable, floating, and context menus. Keyboard navigation - press Ctrl+F2 to enter the top menu. Special JavaScript API for changing menu "on-the-fly", without page reloading: addition/removing of items/submenus, changing of visibility of items, etc.
Free Trial
Platform(s): Linux, Windows, FreeBSD, Mac OSX, Sun Solaris
With an unlimited choice of digit sets (users can even upload their own) which can be made visible or invisible on the pages, users can count total or unique visits to their Home Page, Event Planner, Book Club Page, etc. Backend reporting provides the user with a calendar layout and the option to track unique IP addresses to identify where their traffic is coming from today, this week, this month, or this year.
Just a counter? Just Statistic or Both? The counter offers many different counter faces, all can be found in the demo. The statistics show the Referal of the person, IP Address, Broswer/OS, Date and Time of visit.
A handy, graphical counter displaying number of visitors to your page. You also get valuable statistical data on the hits to your webpages from its Statistics section.
A visual counter which supports multiple counters, detailed stats for each counter, an optional clock that appears with your counter, and many different counter styles.
Now you can update your visitor counter features whenever you want. Keep its appearance consistent, make it change its face everytime it shows up or even make it invisible.
FastCounter is a fast, reliable, easy to setup free counter. Members can choose from several different counter styles and receive stats updates via email.
Site Meter is a free, fast, and easy way to add a web counter to your web page. Not only does it display the number of visitors to your web site, it also keeps statistics on the number of visits each hour and each day.
Free hit counter and statistics, no download required. Features: Easy setup, several different counter styles, see search engine reports, visitor stats, Real-time web activity tracking and reporting, real-time sales tracking and lots more. offers you one of the best remotely hosted hit counter on the web. Your counter will be quick, slick, and text based it. It will follow your own pages style with no added work! No PHP, CGI, or programming skills required, and best of all... No ads!