Sitenews is a free remotely hosted news service, feautres include four security permission, unlimited news posts and user accounts, bbcode, emoticons, catagory images, upload service. All 100% free! (No adverts)!
Infinite News is a free news system available to any webmaster requiring no special host. Because its remotely hosted, you dont need programming knowledge, and you dont have to download anything. Some of the top features Infinite news has are smilies, multi page, commenting, ability to completely change the skin and a lot more.
Kam5 Diary is a powerful, hosted web dairy service that gives its members the richest set of features to immediately build a online diary book on the Web. We allow the users write their dairy privately--It is only you who can get access with your diary entries.
With the Kam 5 Diary system , there's no installation or configuration required. Your online diary book and all the tools are managed by our system. We expands online diary book service to include integration of text, photos and other media content. The combination of simplicity and comprehensive features will make Kam 5 diary the first tool that will empower users, beginners and experts alike, to reach the full potential of the web dairy medium.
Free, easy to install weblog commenting system. After signing up, you add some simple javascript code to your news articles. Users can then post feedback. Also provides simple Javascript counter code.
With a deskNET™ Direct Information Delivery Service, websites and online businesses can transmit targeted information directly onto the screens of their customers.
Direct Information Delivery™ is a unique technology developed by deskNET Communications as an effective marketing and sales tool for small to medium sized online businesses.
A marketing technology that customers actually enjoy, deskNET provides all the means for you to enhance your online presence, cement customer relations, enjoy higher web traffic and increased sales.