Kam5 Diary is a powerful, hosted web dairy service that gives its members the richest set of features to immediately build a online diary book on the Web. We allow the users write their dairy privately--It is only you who can get access with your diary entries.
With the Kam 5 Diary system , there's no installation or configuration required. Your online diary book and all the tools are managed by our system. We expands online diary book service to include integration of text, photos and other media content. The combination of simplicity and comprehensive features will make Kam 5 diary the first tool that will empower users, beginners and experts alike, to reach the full potential of the web dairy medium.
NewsPHP is the market leader among the WYSIWYG online publishing suites. Deservedly so. It is a matter of minutes, not hours or days, to create a fully functional online magazine, newspaper or a TV, radio portal using newsPHP. Add to that outstanding customer support, reliability guaranteed by the years of successful operation and you can guess why our testimonials are full of gratitude from the satisfied customers. To further tailor our great product towards your needs, we have packaged NewsPHP as several offerings. We offer it in two flavors: branded and default. Branded package features customer-specific branding on the front page and admin panel. Lower-end, more effordable package carries newsphp branding.
Platform(s): Linux, Windows, FreeBSD, Mac OSX, Sun Solaris
Keep your visitors up to date with the latest from your site with this fully customizable Site News script with unlimited posts and ni advertisement. You can place a list of the last few news posts on your main page, and then link to your news archive. Other Features include: Post/Edit/Delete your news, choose an image or graphic to go along with each post, fully customizable color schemes for news posts, customizable header and footer.
Free, easy to install weblog commenting system. After signing up, you add some simple javascript code to your news articles. Users can then post feedback. Also provides simple Javascript counter code.
Web based Diary / Journal / Blog hosting services. Free and easy to use. The next services to be added include templates, FTP publishing to your website, and RSS. Update: Just added subdomain http://yourname.diarist.com
Hence users can select a short URL.
This is a remotely hosted news board service that provides a one-page list of all your latest updates. You can choose how many updates to display on the main page, as well as some other useful options.