Use Markosoft's Interest Calculator to quickly calculate virtually all types of interest including payment amount, length of loan, daily interest, and savings interest. The Interest Calculator can also be used to print or preview amortizations.
New version 4 adds PDF support, shaded form options, compressed backups/restore, importing/exporting and more! EASY TO USE! Features unlimited invoices/ payments/ customers/ products, multiple companies, much more!
Whether your company uses timeclock, timesheet, salaried, or commissioned types, Auto Payroll can automate your payroll task in-house totally. This tool is very simple to use. All of its menus are self-explained. No accounting or tax knowledge needed
For preparing comprehensive monthly cash flow projections for cash planning, business plans, fund raising etc. for 6 months ahead. For smaller businesses. Includes roll-forward facility to simplify updating of projections.
Insurance Forums Information - Insurance Forums - Insurance Information and Advice for Consumers and Agents. Download this small application and you will have your Insurance Information at 2 clicks of your mouse.
full featured application to manage your billardhall or billardparlor,
some features:
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free help from the developers
THE IT OUTSOURCING ESSENTIALS GUIDE - A COMPLETE PACKAGE The 'how to' of outsourcing, filled with template examples. How to construct solid relationships to control costs and provide access to critical skills. Understanding best practice in selecting.
Calculator that produces a virtual proof tape. Entries can be annotated, edited, deleted, inserted and rows can be moved. Files can be named, saved, copied, deleted, printed and inserted into other programs + full equation and function capabilities
ASI FrontDesk is a general purpose hotel & motel software which is can be used as a hotel management software, property management software, hotel maintenance software, hotel reservations software, hotel accounting software, hospitality software.
Simple, easy to use, award winning Payroll Software program. $45.00(With MICR $93). Author: Jerry Medlin - Shareware Hall of Fame - Recipient of the FIRST Shareware Industry Award for Best Business and Financial Software.