Fattura! e' un programma dal facile utilizzo, per la gestione delle fatture. Si presenta con un'interfaccia grafica semplice ed intuitiva ma allo stesso tempo professionale
MyCheckPro is a check payment system for Microsoft Windows. Using MyCheckPro, you can print a substitute of your customer's check using an inkjet or laser printer. This substitute check can be deposited in your local bank!
AceMoney makes it easy to manage multiple accounts of different types, create and manage budgets, juggle finances in multiple currencies, track spending habits, record expenses, transfer among accounts and do on-line banking.
Accounting and Wholesale Distribution Software: General Ledger, Accounts Payable, Accounts Receivable, Inventory, Purchase Orders, Sales Orders and Quotes, and Sales Analysis.
Small business payroll system developed with Microsoft VB.NET technology. Calculates paycheck net amounts using the latest Federal tax tables. Computes totals for the quarterly form 941 return as well as totals for state unemployment returns.