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Health & Nutrition

Amount: 221
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Hits: 675

Hatha Yoga

Rating 0.0 0.0
Hatha Yoga contains 40 animated postures (asanas) and step-by-step instructions for each of them. Through the continued performance of postures(Asanas), you will gain flexibility and strength,and learn to be more relaxed under stressful situations.
Platform(s): Windows Date: Feb, 10 2007
Hits: 668

Calorie Smart

Rating 0.0 0.0
This software contains calculators and charts with detailed explanations, as well as lot of usefull information on calories, carbs, vitamins &amp; minerals. It also contains low-calorie diet planners and a special bonus - Halloween Diet Recipes.
Platform(s): Windows Date: Oct, 24 2006
Hits: 655

Weight Loss Calculator

Rating 0.0 0.0
Weight loss calculator measures body mass index based on your weight and height and is used as a relative measure of your health.
Platform(s): Windows Date: Jan, 13 2007
Hits: 652

Health Boosters & Longevity

Rating 0.0 0.0
Find the key to longevity through health boosters following some simple advice. A balanced diet, proper sleep and exercise along with rest and relaxation are all important factors in preserving our bodies. Treat your life as a learning experience.
Platform(s): Windows Date: Oct, 30 2005
Hits: 636


Rating 0.0 0.0
Biorhythm charting software. Features: Primary, Secondary and I Ching cycles, biocompatibility, profiles database, best match search, good/bad day search, clean and intuitive interface
Platform(s): Windows Date: Feb, 28 2005
Hits: 632

Calorie Count

Rating 0.0 0.0
Calorie Count is a useful tool for calorie intake calculation and diet planning. It also contains a diet planner with professional advice on food combining, detox, daily calorie intake bor men and women, calorie intake from beverages consumed etc.
Platform(s): Windows Date: Jul, 08 2006
Hits: 631

NoDip (For PalmOS)

Rating 0.0 0.0
NoDip is a tool designed to help you quit smokeless tobacco. This is done using a 5-Step program which guides you through the process. NoDip ranks your quit status and updates the display according to the length of time you have quit.
Platform(s): Date: Aug, 08 2004
Hits: 630

Quick Health Calculator

Rating 4.0 4.0
Quick Health Calculator is a free calculator for your web site that calculates Body Mass Index (BMI), as well as measures risk for weight-related health issues.
Platform(s): Linux, Windows Date: Dec, 15 2005
Hits: 629

Flat Abs Secrets

Rating 0.0 0.0
If your goal is to have a nice flat stomach, the first thing you need to do is decrease / eliminate the layers of fat that are on top of your abs.
Platform(s): Windows Date: May, 21 2006
Hits: 624

BrainWave Blaster

Rating 0.0 0.0
Stimulate your brain in 2 minutes! All you need is earphones. Just put on the earphones and let BrainWave Blaster take you to the state of mind you want.
Platform(s): Windows Date: Mar, 04 2006
Amount: 221
Displaying: 41 - 50
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