A web authoring tool which acts on an HTML document, counting the number of occurrences of words and how they are used, and produces an appropriate keywords meta tag. The Advanced Version can act on multiple documents in a folder and its subfolders.
Keyword-Research-Gadget is a slick tool to quickly survey popularity of all keywords related to yours. Just type in one or more keywords to generate a list of related phrases sorted by popularity.
Convert PDF files into HTML so they can be used for online browsing and accessible to all search engines. Graphics, hyperlinks, bookmarks and vector drawings will be preserved.
Keyword-Explorer will jump-start your keyword research by quickly gathering and sorting by frequency all related keywords. Just enter a search term and let Keyword Explorer build a sorted list of the best keywords from the best-performing websites.
RSS Wizard is an HTML to RSS converter than can generate the RSS feed out of virtually any web page without having to edit it first. RSS Wizard generates RSS 2.0 feeds and allows you to create, edit and publish an unlimited number of RSS feeds.
Directly save the webpage at a given URL into image in bmp, jpeg, tiff, gif or png format.
Create thumbnail images from large images.
Batch conversion is supported
TextPipe is the ultimate Webmaster tool for updating text. It handles an unlimited number of files and folders, and is unique in handling files of unlimited size. It performs one or more changes AT THE SAME TIME, and can search for MULTI-LINE text...